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About Jarah

When were you born? Monday, July 23 1984, 6:33 a.m.

Who is your favorite Beatle? John!!

How long have you been a Beatles fan? Since I was BORN!!

Any nicknames we should know about? Uh...*giggle*....Jahara, Jethro, J.B., Roachbabe, Skittles, Brussel Sprouts (long story), Freakgal2, and J.

Cd's you can NOT live without? Revolver!!!!!

Any cd's you're embarrased to have? Uh...yeah....let's see....I guess NKOTB even though I still like them. Or BSB because I don't like them anymore.

What is your favorite movie? Uh...You've Got Mail, AHDN, That Thing You Do, Beaches, My Girl, and my Roaches movie!

Who are your closest friends? My twin retard, Ms. Siobhan Hall, Crystal Mosko, Jennifer Sams, Carmen Tyner, and Alyssa Gaines

What do you do in your spare time? Go to Roaches shows or draw

What are your favorite tv shows? FRIENDS

What are your favorite links?,, Siobhan's pages, etc.

What is you're FAVORITE song to see the Roaches perform live? "Talkin' Bout You" or "This Boy"

What is your favorite story written by John Lennon? Snore Wife and the Seven Dwarts

What is your favorite: Beatles song? In My Life
Beatles album? Revolver
Beatles movie? A hard Day's Night

The answer is blowing in the wind
