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Northern Shaolin



We do a variety of exercises at the beginning of each training session. These help us to "warm-up" the body (literally during the cold season) by loosening, stretching, strengthening, and toning the body; not to mention the fact that it tells the body "Hey-Wake up! I'm gonna need your help now... All of your help!"

These exercises will sometimes leave us sore the next day, as we have pushed past our previous limit. This should be a wake up call.

We do not do all of the exercises every session and will often exclude quite a few that previously you felt a need for.

Why is that?

Because everyone's body is different and has different needs of warming up and of strengthening. Or perhaps one would like to develop a "6-pak," while another would like "seriously-strong-thighs," or maybe even "powerful guns (strong arms)."

As you know, the better part of your `training & practicing,' should be done on your own time, and this definitely includes the warm-ups. No, you should not be doing all of the warm-ups everyday, but rather the ones that you feel need improving, or perhaps the ones that deal with the desired attributes, as shown by the aforementioned example.

Never hold your breath unless specifically directed! Keep a mind to your breathing patterns!
