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"Welcome to VEGETA_THEALMIGHTY'S PAGE, home of me, vegeta_thealmighty and now,Tominator_666.Since this page has just started there is not alot here at the mo. But as time goes on more will be added, so come back soon!E-mail me with any comments, art or fiction you have or any other stuff you want to see on this page. Everything will be inspected by me first then put on the page.Use the navagation bar at the bottom to browse! more added all the time! see ya!

NEW!Hello out there! NEW NEW NEW!! group boarda new thigy on the site, u can chat and draw piccys, check it out its cool!!!more stuff soon!

Piccy of the moment


If there are any problems on the site,please tell me or sign the book,eg piccys overlapping text etc.

"Some people ask me why i like vegeta...well..i dont know really, i think its possibly cos of his bad ass attitude. Also, when he first appeared in the saiyen saga he made me laugh because he was so small ^_^. I didnt like him at first..but as time went on i found myself repeating vegetas lines at my younger sister and threatning her with gallit gun attacks. Anyway, any comments or questions you have, tell me. My e-mail address is a link at the bottom of this page. thanx for the comment 'masterben'(ahhhhh sarcasm is a wonderful thing). i do try to make my site original but alot of people do the same. thats why i ask for your comments and ideas. send them in or sign the book!but i have worked hard on this site and the information is aimed at people who are new to DBZ.if you have any ideas tell me, but i could easly put up something that another site has and be critised for it. it is hard to come up with new ideas as the net is so big."

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My new Saiyan...

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This site is in no way associated with Funimation, Akira Toriyama or anyone else who helped in the making of DBZ. This is purly a fan site that is just promoting DBZ to viewers everywhere.


Thanks for visiting this site. Please come back soon! My thanx goes to the sites that i got the pictures from, mainly vegeta insane.Thanks to vegeta insane,ginga guri guri, gohans DBZ site and anyothers i can think to mention another day. Links to those sits are up or if they are not,they will be up soon, to show my appriciaton. Thanxs guys

All my link buttons will go in this box here instead of the links page as most people want to see their buttons up when i link to them.VOTE FOR US!please vote for our site if u think its cool. just click on the top 50 button below. thanx for all ur support!:)