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That's Cat If:

1.You can't remember what chapter you're from. You need some UPLIFT.

2.You can't remember when you crossed those sands. You need some UPLIFT.

3.You got more red in your wardrobe than Purple and Gold. You need some UPLIFT.

4.You don't know what to do when Atomic Dog comes on. Something's definetly wrong.

5.You don't know the grip! You need some more UPLIFT.

6.A Bruh's in town and you leave him hanging. That's all the way cat!!!

7.You'd rather be with the GDI's than Bruzz (are you really a Que?)

8.Can't remember the FOUNDERS. Totally cat!!! Not to say "suspect".

9.Can't remember the CARDINAL PRINCIPLES. Very cat like!

10.You don't know any bruzz outside of your so called chapter.

11.Afraid of the Bruzz.

12.Lie to the bruzz (you need UPLIFT, for real!)

13.Never once went to the grass. (come to the 7th D!)

14.Don't know the words to Omega Dear.

15.Not community active- that's real cat.

Bruzz remember, being out is not just about 'THE HOPS' but about "PUTTING IT DOWN" on your yard and the community at large.