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Vi's Fun X-Things

Midi playing: Every Breath You Take

Hey, the Vi-ster has more up her sleeve! I've actually played around with some of the images I've borrowed {with permission}, and had been donated to me. I decided to share some fun things that are Evo related. Some are good some aren't. It was me having too much fun with Photoshop. Also, if you can subscribe to some of the egroups I am on. Fun, eh? Hopefully I'll be able to update with new things I've played with.


Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner

Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff

Spyke/Evan Daniels

Toad/Todd Tolanksy

X-Men_E Icons

If you choose to use any of these little icons, they can, if you so choose, be linked to either the rpg page I have at or at the Yahoo page at

Toad_Hall E-Groups