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Inquest into the Death of Anna Wilhelimina JACOBSEN

As reported in the Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, January 29, 1853

An inquest was held on Thursday last, at the Commercial Hotel, on the body of Mrs. Jacobsen, a German. From the evidence of her husband it appears the deceased was splitting a small piece of firewood, when she was suddenly taken ill and fell down. Her husband took her into the house, whilst his son ran for assistance, but before his return she had expired. The jury returned a verdict of "Died by a fit of apoplexy."

The Coroner's Report

An Inquisition indented taken for our Sovereign Lady the Queen at the house of Joseph Winterburn the Sign of the Commercial Inn in Nelson District of the same and ... of New Munster New Zealand the twenty seventh day of January in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady the Queen by the grace of god of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ... Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three before Joseph Foord Nelson ... Coroner of our said Lady the Queen for the said District on view of the Body of Anna Wilhelimina Jacobsen. Then and there lying dead upon the oath of Charles Lucas, James Black, Samuel Pearce, John Simpson Graham, James Rofs Lawrence, Richard Floyd, Thomas Gaukroger, Alexander Meyce, George Hooper, Thomas Sullivan, George Taylor, Robert Hunter, John Barnett good and lawful men of the said District duly chosen and who being then and there duly swore and charged to inquire for our Sovereign Lady the Queen when how and by what means the said deceased Anna Wilhelimina Jacobsen came by her death so offering that the said

Anna Wilhelimina Jacobsen died from a fit of apoplexy and not otherwise.

In witness whereof the said Coroner and the jurors aforesaid have herewith set and subscribed their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Joseph Foord Nelson Coroner

Geo Hooper Foreman
Thomas Sullivan
James P Black
Geo Taylor
Charles Lucas
James Rofs Lawrence
Richard Floyd
Thos Gaukroger
I J Graham
Robert Hunter
Alexr Moyce
John Barnett
Samuel Pearse

Witness Reports


To Wit

In ... ... of ... taken the twenty seventh day of January in Nelson and District of the same at the dwelling home of Joseph Winterburn the Sign of the Commercial Inn in the said town before Joseph Foord Nelson ... coroner for the said Town and District touching the death of Anna Wilhelimina Jacobsen.

Hans Jacobsen
Sworn - I am a Ship Builder and am living in Nelson. About seven o clock last evening my wife wanted some fire wood and she was breaking some with an axe when she threw away the axe and told me to get some. I could see by her face that she was not well as she had been very unwell some four weeks ago and she had advice and was bled then - she had been unwell in the same way ten or twelve times before which lasted for three or four hours. I put her into bed and then went for my sons and was gone about a quarter of an hour. When I came back I found her much more nearly dead. I then sent my son for the doctor but when he came she was dead. She did not live about half a minute after I returned.


John Andrew Jacobsen
Sworn - I am a Shipbuilder and am living in Nelson. Last evening I was at work in the garden and my father came for me and told me my mother was very ill. I then went home as fast as I could. When I saw how very ill she was I went for the Doctor as fast as I could but when I got him she was dead.

signed: Johann Andreas Jacobsen.

Henry Jacobsen
Sworn - I am a Boatman and am living in Nelson. Last evening I went home and I found my mother lying in bed on her back and insensible. I then went to the acre for my father and met my brother on the road. We then went back to the house and I found her just in the same state. She lived about a quarter of an hour after I came home.

signed: Heinrich Jacobsen

All the above declarations were specially taken and acknowledged the day year and place first above stated.

Joseph Foord
Nelson Coroner

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