The story begins with their eldest son, Johann Siegmund Martin (otherwise known as Isaac), who, according to family legend, was the man who changed the life of his parents and brothers.
As the story goes, young Isaac saved a rich man's life by rescuing him from drowning. In return, Isaac was given an education. He trained as a carpenter, and in 1842 was a carpenter, embarking for New Zealand on 18 December 1842, on board the St Pauli. He settled in Nelson, and sent for the rest of the family.
Hans, Anna Wilhelimina and their other three sons, Johann Christian Jacob, Johann Andreas and Johann Julius Heinrich embarked the Mariner at Gravesend on February 8 1849 and arrived in Wellington on July 12th.
In January 1850 the entire family, including Isaac, were naturalised. In just 6 months they had decided to give up their home country, and were determined to make New Zealand their own.
In January 1853, after being in the country just 3 1/2 years, Anna Wilhelimina died. She was 51. Click here to see a report of the inquest into her death.
Christmas Eve 1861 saw the tragic drowning of Hans. His son, Henry was present. Click here to read the newspaper report.
The four boys stayed in New Zealand, all marrying and raising families of their own.
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