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November 3 General Body Meeting

Blackburn Center Hilltop Lounge

The meeting began at 8:07 pm with Treasurer Angela Harris making an announcement about selling “Real HU” t-shirts after the conclusion of the meeting. Then, HUSA Director of Student Advocacy Courtney Watson visited from the HUSA representatives to discuss HUSA's town hall meeting on Monday, November 8, 2004

President Keith Laing discussed the constitutional amendments that were proposed at the October General Body Meeting regarding officer's attendance at board meetings and club elections. The general body voted by a 2/3 majority to amend to constitution to state that future candidates for President and Vice-President must run as a pair with the goal of greater cohesion upon election. The members also voted to adopt the 2004-2005 Board's attendance policy of 3 unexcused absences or 4 unexcused absences resulting in any officer being brought up for impeachment (elected officers) or dismissal (appointed officers).

Next, Vice-President Natalya Bodrick informed members that from now on, she would give an attendance report from the most recent Officer's Meeting. For the meeting on October 30, she said the following officers were present:

She then added that Recording Secretary April McCowen had an excused absence. When she finished, the committee heads proceeded with their committee reports.

*Commitee Reports: The reports were as follows:

*Upcoming Events:

*Bison 2 Bison Mentoring Program

*Yearbook Photo


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

-Shante Johnson, Secretary
