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Make a Card

Create a Card!

we give you the basic epquipment, you make a card, you send it to us, and if it's good enough we'll post it up here for others to see.

Step 1: Choose Color

As you know there are five colors in Magic. You can make your card any of these five colors, or if you wish, even an artifact. No lands or Gold.

Step 2: Making Text

Now that you've chosen your color and have saved a blank card, you have to put stuff on it. We suggest copy and pasting it into paint.

Step 3: Card type

There are many different card types in Magic. Creatures, enchantment, artifacts, lands... but you can only give your card so many. Most of the time, a card only has one, but it can be an artifact creature, which has two.

Step 4: Art

What would Magic be like if the cards never had art on them. Pretty dull. So your card is going to need some art. You can draw somthing up on paint if you want, search the net for something cool and put it on, or if you have a scanenr you can draw something by hand of cut it from a magazine or something. Try to make it resemble what kind of card it's going to be. Like if it's a creature, try to put a pictures of something living. And if it's a huge powerful creature, make the picture show it. Like, a picture for a 246/346 isn't going to be a little kitten, is it.

Step 5: Card Text

Every card needs an ability or something. except some creatures, which only have a power/toughness. But if your making a creature, please make it interesting and give it abilities. Flavor text makes cards more interesting too. And be creative with it's name. Give credit to where ever you got the picture in the space at the botton where the artist's name usually goes. For the mana cost, don't make an extreamly powerful creature have a casting cost of (1) or something. Give it a cost based on how good it's abilities are. But remeber, you can still use real Magic abilities, so if you want to give it a slightly cheaper cost, give it echo or something. And to make your card look really cool, make up a little expansion symbol! If you can't find any mana or tap symbols, here are some you can use. Just save them, or copy and past them into Paint.

Once you're finished your card, please send it to us! We'll post it here if we feel it's a good enough card. just click here and send us the card as an attachment.
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