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Cataphract Horse archers picture here are all Old Glory miniatures again. These are a cheap alternative for adding a rank to your cataphract unit in order to benefit from that all important +1 charging bonus. Shooting-wise their numbers are usually too small to have any impact on the battlefield.

Cataphract archers must combine with Cataphracts of course.

These guys are always in the back rank so they only get to shot with half their numbers. Still, there is no rule that says you must keep them there.

The leader figure is just a regular horse archer figure (the guy pulling the arrow out) with a sword in his hand instead of an arrow.

The photos are kind of blurry, sorry. I'm still getting the hang of this photography stuff.

Again, since these guys are added to a existing cataphract unit, any sane player will have the cataphracts provides the leader, standard & musician. There is no real need for a horse archer leader model for gaming purposes, still it looks cool and adds variety to the unit.