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World War One



Support weapons play a vital role in the defense or attack on enemy trench systems. Without them you are doomed to failure.  


Light Machine Gun Teams armed with 8mm Chauchats.



Chauchat was France’s primary light machine gun. It had a poor reputation due to problems with jamming when it got dirty. There is a special rule for this machine gun to reflect this.  


The Old Glory pack come with 5 soldiers advancing and 5 lying down. This comes in handy during the game since you can replace standing figures when they drop to the ground to get that extra bit of cover – no arguments.   


Since the LMG teams must have a gunner and a loader/asst gunner I usually use a rifle man to represent the loader. A loader model would’ve have been nice though.



Light Mortars






This was the French response to the German Minenwerfer, a mortar that fire a rocket like 58mm projectile.


I’ve mounted my mortars on a large disc, with two of the crew permanently glued on it. Since the weapon must have a minimum of two crew to operate this works out fine. Usually the entire team gets knocked out at the same time and if there is one guy left I just replace the stand with an infantry man.  




Light mortars can be used in both offense and defense.


Offensively, since they can be step up quickly, they are ideal for knocking out those pesky LMG teams. At the very least they draw the fire of the pesky LMG teams, allowing your infantry and trench fighters to close in an extra turn.  


Defensively, they’re ideal for knocking down everything they can see – including the pesky LMG teams!