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Danni's Den: Miscellaneous Fan Art Archives!! ;)

The Christmas Bazaar


Yello! An' welcome to the CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. A small, humble little section for all you talented arteests in the festive spirit to send in as many chrimble piccies as you like. If you want, I'd be glad to post them up here.
So come right on in and browse to your hearts content. Oh and did I forget to mention that I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Don't forget to make that new years resolution.

Can't see all the details? Just click on the image to see a bigger picture of itself.


Drawn by: Shazi

Heres a picture I did when I imagined what Crash's family would be doing this time of year and stuck to a period where they had their kids. Heheh I see Casey's trying his best to help out his dad put the star onto the tree. And Yarra is only just a newborn in this picture. His mother, Danni cradling him as she looks up at her older boys. A nice heart warming scene. ;) POLAR! Don't eat that bauble!!
Too bad at how I almost barfed when I saw the outcome of how my paintshop pro saved it as gif. *dies* Why does it make those ; little dots?
Hmm lessie, Danni and Yarra are © to me, Casey is © to my great friend Danielle Berse (Crashcrazed) and Crash and Polar are © to...Universal, The Naughtydogs...Um....Sony.


Drawn by: Shazi

Ohhhh heres a lovely scene. I imagined Coco to be about pregnant with her soon to be first born son, Buzz. (At least in some peoples series) Son of Ripper Roo too pictured right beside her and wearing his Santa outfit. Just to be festive. ^_^ Looks like he's not the only one waiting eagerly for this new gift. Pura is there right beside Coco too.
Ain't it all so sweet? (grabs a sick bag) Only jokings. ;)
Coco, Ripper and Pura are both © to Universal, Naughtydog, Sony. Whilst the little nippa' waiting to be born is actually © to my good friend Cherie Fournier.


Drawn by: Shazi

Heheh, I liked drawing this picture. Although I'm dissapointed as to how my paintshop pro saved it in gif (Gif format is the only way I can save pics here) it makes Sarnie look like she's had a rash. But I'm still happy to how I've drawn it. I'm not quite sure if anyone else knows the fact that in Australia its summer time when they have their christmas over there. Well, heres how I pictured it. And looks like Sarnie and Brendon have just done their shopping together. Cute.
Hmm, don't suppose they've noticed the hole in Brendon's bag though.
Brendon and Sarnie are both © to Cherie Fournier.


Drawn by: Crashcrazed

Heres a wonderful picture! Courtesy of my good buddy Crashcrazed. Twitchy and Olly are also celebrating christmas. Or Hanukkah as it seems ;) Hmm, it looks like Twitchys mistaken the usual 'star' to go on top of the tree as the monorah instead. Doh!
Lovely sketch drawn. I love it!!
Twitchy and Olly both © to their creator Danielle Berse. (A.K.A Crashcrazed)


Drawn by: Goku

Now heres an really great detailed picture. Done by Goku :). Ok here we've got Snappy decorating the tree. Sarnie, Sylvia and Danni making christmas cards. Hmm looks like Darwins got one of his own for a certain someone. Not to mention Dylan too. I like how these were drawn out. Outside we have the younger generation such as Coco's kids Buzz and Bilby hurling snowballs of sibling rivalry at each other. Casey and Yarra helping each other to build a Bandicoot Snowman...and look! Brutus and Spartacus snowboarding in the snow.
Such a detailed and fine drawn picture from my good pal Chris Keef (Goku). I'm happy to have it here!
Hmm seeing as theres so many chars in this pic however I'm not willing to make a list of who they're © to. So I'm justa gonna say that they're © to whoever their creators are. Heheh.


Drawn by: Kiorie

A wonderful picture done entirely like a christmas card from my newest artist pal Kiorie. Her two creations, Aster Yoshi and her self signature char celebrating for the festive holidays. I love all the bright and wonderful colours!! Happy Holidays to the viewers out there!
Aster Yoshi and Kiorie are both © to their creator, Jessica (Kiorie to some ;)) Great artwork!!


Drawn by: Kiorie

Here they are again. This picture was again drawn as a christmas card. Again with the bold colours!! I only feel ashamed as to how my own PSP saves it in gif. Oh Angelfire, why can't you take on JPG's for once?


Drawn by: Kiorie

Heheh I like this one. Really cheery. Kiorie drew this great pic of Aster in Santa's get up and riding the sleigh. A Stantler (One of the newest Pokemon) A red nosed one in fact is pulling the sleigh. (Cuddles) Ah it make you feel all warm inside no?
Aster Yoshi © to Kiorie...I suppose the unique red-nosed Stantler is too!! ;)

Well, so far this is all the Christmas Bazaar has to show. But theres still more to come. So take heed and see ya all real soon!!

Christmas Bazaar 2001

Christmas Bazaar 2002


Danni's Den. Copyright © 2002
Please ask permission before using anything from this site!