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Danni's Den: The Christmas Bazaar! ;)

The Christmas Bazaar


Merry Christmas all! And welcome to my second christmas bazaar. I know I've been apologising over and over because it's been so late, but at least I've finally got it up and running. As you can see I've only made one picture this year. (I will try and do different season pictures mind you) BUT I am willing to take on any new christmas pictures anyone wants to post here. No matter how late they are. (I know it seems weird but I dun care!) If you have any pictures you'd like to send. Feel free to post them to me and I would most certainly say "Of course!" ;)
In the meantime, feel free to take a look around and enjoy.

Wanna close up? Simply click on the image for a bigger view ^^.


Drawn by: Shazi

As you can see....This picture was produced a little late, along with the whole second bazaar page. I'm so sorry that I didn't find time to make anymore christmas piccies this year. But then again it's quality not quantity (or does that really have to mean anything to this picture?).
I wanted this picture just to be a fair and simple greeting. And I wanted it to feature only the four FIRST characters I ever created when I was creating my own Crash fan fiction. Danni Dingo (her being the first) Jacko McSky, Shadra Leon (Leo), and last (and least as well) Fleaze Drongo. Looks like he's found that ruddy mistletoe again. Only it's umm...attached to his....head. RUN girls! I don't think Danni'll be the only gal he'll target this christmas!
And, would you believe it or not. There's me right in the middle. And to tell you the dead truth I'm not really that thin but I wanted to show my true figure (uh well.... In a sort of humanoid Dingo form sort of way.)
Well that's just about it. Hope you enjoy your christmas this year friends. Take care and have a happy new year!! :D

And that's all that there is for the time being. Remember you can still send your pictures if you'd like them on my site. Simply e-mail me on my address which is on the homepage. Take care mates, thanks for coming and take it easy on those mince pies! ;)

Christmas Bazaar 2000

Christmas Bazaar 2002


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Please ask permission before using anything from this site!