CRUNCHBUCKET-White Feathers is up in the fanfiction section. So go read it, n'stuff.
Hunter part 3 is up. And, um, that's it. Three updates in four days! Whoo! Go me!
Three new fics-"Time Travellers" by Oni Kamui, "F.O.O.S. by Oni Kamui and Seifer1080, and "One Last Prayer" by Oni Kamui and Raven-chan. And my anti-Aeris shrine is finally up! And as for it nearly being Christmas...bah humbug.
Woo Hah Hoo Hah! I gots my own chat room, Gs! Yeah! The idea's from Oni Kamui (who's funky site Animangaworld is linked in the links section) So go visit, y'all!
New link, folks! And Raven-Chan kindly donated some anti-Aeris fanart for my mini-section, so all you Aeris lovers know where to send the flames ^_^
Okay, next three chapters of "Queen's Consul," a new link to Fins and Dinok's page and two new Anti Aeris fanarts, courtesy of Raven-chan.
Man! New fanfiction archive up for the board I co-mod, chapter 8 of the Queen's Consul, a new joint fic by Chyah and I called "You got my vote...right?" and more anti-Aeris artwork by Raven-Chan. Pretty big update for lazy ol' me.
Just take a look at the bottom of the Anti Aeris page.
H4y d00ds I own FFcaemygoodens Now coes Crunshbiscut digz me!!!111 EHEHEheheheheeHeheHEHehlol!!!11
Quite. Anyway, H4Xor's page is linked in the Rumours section. There are new flames, and in this month's Shameless Self Promotion Special you will find links to my livejournal
, my other site and Efli's Final Fantasy message board, which I co-mod. Oh. and a new fic for Super Fanfic archive 28!
G0 2 mi siet and flaem mi frend BoB the DEM()/\/ he is a l4m0r! EHEHeheheHehheehEHEHEhhheehehLOLLOLOLO!!!1
H4x0Rd00d69-Aend dont forgit to goto ny siet! It ROXORSS!SS!S!S!!!!!!11
H4x0Rd00d69-EHEheheHhehehE I RUEL! LoLoLOlO!!!! I rNu teh SITE!!!!!
CRUNCHBUCKET-Sigh... *massages temples*
H4x0Rd00d69-EHEheheHhehehE Fujon sux I roec u suk crinchbusket! EHEHeHhehELOL!!!
^_#-RAGE! *kicks H4x0r HARD.*
H4x0Rd00d69- EheHeHeH-
CRUNCHBUCKET-Shut the fuck up you inbred piece of excrement.
Raven-Chan-I wanna talk Gez! Okay! I've Added a link to the Live Journal's of Seifer1080 and Tifa Strife (Gawd, she's hot!) and-
CRUNCHBUCKET-You shut the fuck up too, Raven-Chan! I'm Tired a hearing about you and Tifa!
Raven-Chan-Yes, mother...
*Translation*- I WOULD say EheHeHeHeHLOL!!!11, but Crunchbucket would rip my spleen out.
CRUNCHBUCKET-2 new live journal links. An MST of a crap fic called "Cat Fight". Finally got round to putting up the Don part of Final fantasy fic. New Random Insanity section, a fic by YumReno and one by Turin Agarwaen Mormegil Umarth Turambar in the fic section. Oh, and presenting,...
H4x0Rd00d69- EHEheHEHeHeHhehe-
CRUNCHBUCKET-Livejournal links for Kal and Krow, a new part for FinalFantasyFic by Reno, A new MST by Quistis Chick, two new instalments of the nokia fic and much more! I think...PSST, Cactrot...
CACTROT- Er, um...yeah?
CRUNCHBUCKET-I'll pay you 2000 gil if you, you know, "do" H4xor d00d.
CACTROT- NOOOO! That's just plain disgusting!
CRUNCHBUCKET-No, you idiot! Ice! Waste! Assassinate! Kill!
CACTROT- Whaaaa!*runs away*
CRUNCHBUCKET-3 new installments to FFFic, new fanart, a new anti-Aeris art, updated the Children Of The Damned FFFic section, added Final Fantasy Complete parts 2-7 and an MST by Kal. Oh, and I forgot to mention-new banners for the Anti-Aeris shrine and the Random Insanity section. *head explodes.*
h4X0Rd00d69- *is hogtied in the basement.*
CRUNCHBUCKET-*grows new head* Cactrot...we must kill H4x0r...
CACTROT- Uh...I dunno, this isn't right, you know?
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Hands Cactrot a knife* KILL!
CACTROT- Whaaaa! *runs*
CRUNCHBUCKET-DAMNIT! now I gotta go hire another tonberry...
CRUNCHBUCKET-Just two new fics. But what a fic! 12 chapters long so far, and easily one of the largest on the site. Pupu's Saga by Jeremy Chapter-go read now! And, the newest fic by Kal-the Forgotten One! Also, slight adjustment to Children Of The Damned and a new obsession du jour...and Cactrot?
CRUNCHBUCKET-Fetch the phonebook. I want to hire a tonberry.
CRUNCHBUCKET-Part 9 of the Nokia fic is up, a few new banners and two new fics from Raven-Chan-Parts one and Two of the mini fic and A new fic called One Last Moment.
Tonberri- Am I required for anything, ma'am?
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Cackles evilly*
CRUNCHBUCKET-Well, it's been a while huh kids? So what's new? Part 10 of the Nokia fic, 5 installments of our new epic Final Fantasy Real, a new part of the FF7 fic from Tseng's POV and a comedic piece of insanity by Taelos Saloth-"The Ultimate in FF Yaoi."
CRUNCHBUCKET-Oh WOE! H4x0r d00d is....*dramatic pause* DEAD!
H4x0Rd00d69-N0 1'm n0t! O wate a minit... *dies*
CRUNCHBUCKET-YES! YES! HAHAHA!!!! Thankyou Tonberri!
Tonberri-Me mistress? It wasn't me! I have a bloody knife from preparing Raven's dinner...
CRUNCHBUCKET-Then...*dramatic music* WHO KILLED H4x0r D00d?!!
Cheesy detective show music plays
WHO KILLED H4x0r?!! Tell us who you think in our poll at the bottom of the page!
Raven-Chan - God, it's been a while since I updated!
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Again wearing a fake moustche* Well, I zee you've decided to come back, no? you sorry rodont!
Um, Ma'am?... Why are you wearing the moustche again?
CRUNCHBUCKET-*The moustche falls off* What!
Raven-Chan - Anyway... I'm working on getting the next bits of Final Fantasy: Complete on the site, as well as my first Cloud part, which-
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Beating Raven-Chan over the head with a large mallot* Hurry up with that damn fic, you good-for-nothing assistant!
Raven-Chan - Anyway, once I've finished my fics, I'll have the site updated again! In the mean-time-between-time, I've put summaries on all of the FFC parts that are already up... I'm just here to show everyone I'm still alive!
CRUNCHBUCKET-We could care less if your still alive, Raven...
You never told me who the hell you are...
Raven-Chan - Oh, yeah! And don't forget to vote for Who you think DID kill H4x0r d00d 69.... Although, I think It was that damn Cactus of mine!
Cactrot-What! It wasn't me! It was Raven-Chan!
Raven-Chan - *Hiding a bloosy knife* Shut up and get back to work, cactus bitch!
Cactrot-Yip! *Runs away*
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Wearing a fake moustache and attempting a french accent* A large update zis time, no? Laguna's Birthday Party and Hot Steamy Lovin' by Emerald Embers are new in zee fanfiction section, along with 3 new chapters and 5 new illustrations to Pupu's Saga and a new fic, "The Stray" by Jeremy Chapter. Devil In Her Own Right and The Things You Do For Your Friends by Carlie are in there too.
Raven-Chan- *Butting in* and don't forget, new parts of The Nokia Fic and FFReal by ME! And new parts to FFC by Taelos and Seifer, but they don't matter as muc-
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Boots him off* Ahem...A new part to zee FF7 fic by YumReno, "Breaking The Ice" by Carmilla in zee Fujin shrine-
CRUNCHBUCKET-Yes, zat eez right. And finally, Gez and Carlie meet Papa Roach in zee Random Insanity section! Har zee har zee har zee har! *Moustache falls off*
Forgive my pertinence ma'am, but why the accent and moustache?
CRUNCHBUCKET-Because...*dramatic pause* I have now become a detective! A really cheezy stereotypical detective! It worked for Poirot, so it must be good! Har ze har ze har ze har!
Everyone-*Backs away*
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Moustache falls off again*
The votes are still open folks! Vote while you still can! Who DID kill H4x0r d00d 69? *Shoots someone shouting "It was ME!" at the back"
My friends, I am astonished. As of last Monday, my computer died, never to be ressurected. It was carted off to the repair man where the remains will be cannibalised and I will have a nice shiny new one Thursday. Yes, an entire week. And what happens as I lose my computer? My hit counter shoots up, my guestbook fills with entries and one of my heroes *eyes go wide and chibi-like* Uncreativity, tells me I can use all her Fujin stuff in my Fu shrine. Wow. Well, I'm sorry this place hasn't been updated for a while-there's been a lack of things to update it with. But when I get my internet access back expect Pupu's saga update, LOADS of new stuff in the Fujin shrine and more fanfics. Sorry for neglecting this place, but lack of inspiration, this place and this place have all conspired to make updating hard. Oh, and also, anyone trying to reach The Consortium from my links site will notice that it's now password protected. This is because a friend of mine, whose father is a policeman, told me I could be sued for libel by my headmistress. Fun. I shall however leave the link there so you can gaze in wonder at the password page.
*Sniff* You guys are the greatest. I love you guys!