Raven-Chan - Yes, this is the page for Final Fantasy: Complete! It's the greatest fic I've ever worked on! It's my fav fic, and-
CRUNCHBUCKET-*Hitting Raven-Chan in the face* Hey! What about every one on the FFFic list that worked hard on these fics!
Raven-Chan - *Rubbing his head* I was gettin' to that! I wanna thank all my friends from the FFFic list! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thanks!
Part OneThe circle begins to open; A small Bar in the noble Kingdom of Aelia suffers the beginning...
Part TwoA lost and lonely warrior tries to find his way...
Part ThreeThe story of Raven-Chan is further revieled...
Part FourAyame and Kodansha flee from their home to Aelia...
Part FiveAyame and Kodansha meet Raven-Chan and Kamui, and team up with STRIKE...
Part SixKal Finds his way to the Aelian Channell...
Part SevenRaven-Chan and Ayame get to know more about each other under the star-filled sky...
Part EightMore of Neo's life and purpose are unvieled...
Part NineTaelos enters the scene, and with him, a new twist...