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Alts Help
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A question that arises very often is whether you, as a player, can play multiple characters in the game. Any character other than your main is termed an 'alternate' character, or Alt for short. The answer to that question is a qualified 'yes'. It is important to understand the good and bad sides of Alts before requesting one. This help file will provide you with this knowledge and then set out the administration's policy on this issue.

First, having multiple characters in the game dilutes your commitment to either of them and may become a challenge to RPing them successfully. Think twice before you submit your request - do you feel you have the time to devote to the characters? Will you be able to identify well with both of them? Please note that if you are not satisfied with your current species or culture, you should simply ask to set your culture to OOC and +restart as a new character.  Also, you should not apply for an Alt before  you play for a few months and become acquainted with the game well enough so you can give proper care to the second character.

If you do decide RPing one character is not enough of a challenge, you should apply to the High Command of your species for permission to register an Alt. If your intended Alt is not only in different culture, but also in different species, you also need to contact the High Command of these species. For your application to have a chance of success, you must get a reference from a Feature Character in your culture. Ask a FC to mail his opinion on your readiness to play an Alt to the High Command/s where you have applied for it. If obtaining such a reference is impossible for some reasons (for example, no FCs in your culture), mention this in your application. The High Commander may then suggest another source for a reference or rely on his own judgment.

Your application has to include: your name and culture/species; intended Alt's name; a brief description and a brief history of intended Alt. Make sure you know the rules on Alt behaviour that are set out in the next paragraphs.

The following rules apply to RPing and other interaction involving Alt characters:

No player may have more than one Alt character. No player may have his Alt character in the same culture as his main character. In no situation is the Alt allowed to interact with his main character, through RP, global code or otherwise. In the case of coded enhancement, such as training in a weapon, improvement of language skill etc. the Alt shall be revoked andthe player cautioned. The main character and the Alt _may_ be logged in at the same time, but such logins are subject to monitoring to ensure compliance with the rules. Also, an Alt character can never attain Feature status. Senior Staff Alts and primaries should be identified to the race HC; this information is not divulged to anyone else unless the said Senior Staff member wishes it.

Alts exist by permission of the High Commanders and you may be asked to abandon your alt at any time by a HC or a Senior Staff member. A possible reason for such a request could be the inactivity of the Alt. If you wish to make your Alt your main char and relegate your main char to Alt status, or abandon it altogether, you have to notify the appropriate HC and wait for their approval of the move.

Once you obtain approval from the High Command/s for the Alt creation (which will take a minimum of a few days, please be patient), you are free to create the Alt character. After setting it up with the full version of description and history (a draft of which you included with your application) you must notify the High Command/s of the dbref number of your Alt so they may take a look at it and record it. You cannot 'switch' an Alt from one culture to another; you have to deactivate the current Alt and repeat the application process.

A word of advice: we encourage players to play and develop ONE character to its full potential. However in some circumstances Alts can greatly stimulate RP creation, which is why they are allowed after all. Use this option if you wish to experience various areas of the MUSH on a continuous basis. Note that this file applies to permanent 'Alts'; a one-day identity change is termed a 'temp alt' and may be approved expeditiously by any FC in your culture. Have fun RPing!