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Numenor is a nation rich in history and lore, mightier than any that yet remains in Arda -- a land of gift given to the Edain in long ages past as a reward for their valour in the struggle against Morgoth. Its folk are greater in stature of body and mind than the lesser Men of the Twilight, and claim the high blood of the Lords of the Three Houses of the Edain. A result of this is a number of notable Noble Houses within Numenor, with pasts both new and old, and often lost in lore long forgotten. However, in these dark times, these Houses often struggle for power amidst themselves, and new alliances are forged even as old ones are cast aside.

It is now long years since the Duna came West. Sailing back and forth to Middle Earth, they became quickly teachers of the men that chose to stay in Middle Earth. They established two mighty havens and strongholds there. These were Pelargir and Umbar. Pelargir was the chief haven of the Faithful on ME and Umbar had a strong King's Men population. Warring between factions was common, but mostly the realms prospered - even as they sped towards their doom.

Here you can find more information concerning the great Houses, the different factions and the Numenorean culture in general.

Factions                 All about the Numenorean factions
Government          On Numenorean Politics
Colonies                On the Numenorean Colonies
Houses                  The Noble Houses of Numenor
Languages            Concerning the languages of Numenor

OOC: Currently the action takes place in Umbar and will expend to other colonies as the player base grows.