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The Black Hand
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Originating from Umbar, the Black Hand is a guild of assassins. Rumoured to be devout followers of Darkness, this secret society is pervasive throughout the Empire. Reared from childhood in strange religious rites, these Men are trained to be assassins who are reknowned for stealth, cunning and secrecy. Rumours abound concerning them, but it is said that when hired they treat their job fanatically. If they fail they will immediately slay themselves. Also, it is rumoured that they practice human sacrifice in their dark meetings in the hope that He Who Arises in Might shall come again and purge the world of the sick and weak.

Due to the intense secrecy of the Black Hand, no one knows who are members. They may range from the local baker, to a Numenorean Lord. The internal structure of the organization is hierarchical, but little is told of it. Indeed, there are only few in the realm who know how to contact the Black Hand, but it is whispered that there are secret places where they gather to practice their rites. At these places, for those who know the words may hire them. The person who chooses to use the services of this secret society must be prepared to pay the contract fully. People who have attempted to cheat the Black Hand have become victims of their own folly.

To become a member of the Black Hand you need to be an established Roleplayer in Numenor. You must +mail the Numenor staff with an application and this will be reviewed. Upon acceptance, a member of the Black Hand must remember that no one outside the guild is to find out ICly or OOCly of their status. A break in this secrecy might require other members to kill your character, or at least cost you your status as a member of the Assassins' Guild.