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Covert Skills
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These skills encompass a variety of arts that can be considered secretive or stealthy. Most often, these skills are employed by spies and assassins, but some can be used on a daily basis.

The following are the Covert skills: Ambush, Deception, Disguise, Memory, Tracking and Small Weapons. New players can pick a maximum of two skills from this category.


Ambush is the ability to confront a target without the target knowing of the confrontation in advance. Master ambushers avoid almost any detection and can in fact use their skill on different races and targets. This skill is applicable not only for military use, but for brigands and such who make a living out of it.


Deception is the ability to lie without detection. This skill can be used by those trying to infiltrate other cultures and societies. At high levels, a person with this skill can tell lies and half-truths with full conviction and enthusiasm.


Disguise is the ability to conceal yourself among another group. From clothing to speech, the Masters of Disguise can fully integrate themselves into other cultures and societies without difficulty. At the lower levels, one may disguise several aspects of the appearance - clothes etc., until as a master of disguise they achieve the ability to completely blend into his surroundings in speech, dress, looks and behavior.


Memory as a covert skill means the ability to recall without the need to write or draw notes. The skill may be used for example, by spies wishing to discern the number of troops in a city and its layout. At the master level, memory is virtually photographic.


Tracking is the ability to follow people based on signs left of their passage. A basic tracker can distinguish with a fair amount of ease paths made. At the apprentice level, a tracker can discern signs of direction. At the adept level, there are few things which can elude the tracker in the wild. The master trackers can even follow their quarry in populated areas, so talented are they. Naturally Orcs excel at this skill.

Small Weapons

Small weapons are concealed weapons that the person may have on them for protection or assassination ranging from throwing knives to darts to strangling cords to poisoned claws on bracers, etc. The effectiveness and the ability to use such weaponry is based on your level.