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Diplomatic Corps
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The Diplomatic Corps of Numenor are the men and women skilled in the craft of subtlety, protocal and negotiation. They are the face of our culture to the outside world. The foreign service is answerable to the Royal Court in all matters. The symbol of the Diplomatic Corps is a blue hand. The ranks, duties and uniforms of the Diplomatic Corps are as follows:


Brave and intelligent Men of Numenor enter the Corps at this rank. They are placed under the tutelage of a Consul. During this time they begin their initial training in languages, protocal, basic weapons training and the nature of the lands which we have contact with. It is a junior but nonetheless respected position in the Kingdom. The uniform of a Attache consists of a brown cloak and a crimson sash bearing the blue hand of the Corps with a single grey star above the hand.

 With the completion of basic training, Diplomats graduate to the rank of Consul. These are fully fledged members of the Corps and are often stationed in foreign lands to assist Ambassadors. They continue their studies of languages and customs of other cultures. Their uniform is a blue cloak with crimson sash bearing the blue hand of the Diplomatic Corps and two green stars.

 This is the chiefmost representative of the Isle in foreign lands. He (or she) speaks for the government of Numenor and is responsible for the formation of treaties and the preparations for visits of prominent Numenoreans. The Ambassador may spend many years faraway from home. An Ambassador wears a blue cloak, trimmed with gold. A white sash bearing the crest of the Corps, edged with gold and four blue stars.

A highly specialised rank of the Corps. Envoys (of which there are very few) make contact with newly discovered peoples. Only the most skilled of diplomats are chosen for this challenging and often dangerous job. They wear the garb of an Ambassador except have five stars instead of four.

Based in Numenor, this person is the overall director of all diplomatic affairs and is responsible to the King. Often, they serve as an advisor in terms of foreign policy. The Lord of Mouths wears the same garb as an envoy except instead of a blue cloak, wears a white cloak.

Numenorean Diplomacy Toward Other Speaking Peoples

Due to the expanse of the Empire, the Numenoreans have come into contact with a wide variety of tribes of Men as well as other races. This section will deal with relationships between the Numenoreans and other folks with whom they have had contact. Usually, contact would first be made after the discovery of a people by explorers who would bring in a report to enlighten the council. Then the council may go about several courses. First, they may assign a formal legate to that people who would go as a representative of Numenor. Then, depending on the reports returned several actions may be taken.

For the most part the official policy towards the Eldar has been friendly since the ascension of Tar-Palantir. However, as may be expected, the Elves would be suspicious of the Numenoreans. Therefore, the King's Ambassador to the Elves has been one of the Elendili.

Due to the limited encroachment of the Numenoreans into the wild inlands, there has been little contact between Dwarves and the Numenoreans. However, they have met them in their traffics and have exchanged goods. There is no official contact as of yet between the two groups. The last formal contacts have been in the days of Tar-Minastir.

Being as they are an anathema to the Numenoreans, they will be hunted down on sight and destroyed without mercy. However, diplomacy may at least on a low level commence between the Lord of Mordor and the Governors who considers Mordor a rival.

Men in general go through three stages of contact with the Numenoreans. First, they are contacted by a legate who would bring gifts and try to win favor over local lords. Second, depending on the strength of the tribes and the personality of the Governor, they are directly subjugated, armed to fight each other or left alone for a time due to lack of interest or force. Third, Numenoreans may intervene to keep and maintain the peace. Locals will then pay a tribute to the local governors for helping to maintain that peace. This of course is the typical method of contact but it can vary depending on the mood and allegiance of the local governor. Sometimes payment could be made in the forms of slaves captured from other tribes etc. Slavery of course is an issue of contention in Numenor but in the provinces it is generally accepted.