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The Government
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The powers which govern Numenor and her colonies form a vast network both complex and fairly efficient in operation. In modern terms, the government can best be described as federalist in structure which is a necessity due to the sprawling territories involved in the Numenorean empire. Therefore, this subject is divided into two parts: Central and local or provincial government.

Central Government

The central government of Numenor is a traditional form of monarchy that rests upon the law of inheritance based on the eldest-born child. Since the days of Tar-Minyatur there has existed 'The Council of the Sceptre.' Their purpose is as an advisory council to the King on matters foreign and domestic. However, as the case may be, the Council also holds much power for the people who are chosen to be on the council are typically among the most powerful in Numenor. Therefore, in many instances, the day to day running of the Empire lay in the hands of Council of the Sceptre. This would include such things as the collection of taxes, ordering of the military and censuses. This is not to be surprised because the King's power, while in name stretches throughout all the possessions of Numenor, does not literally and often Lords will do as they will. It is therefore imperative of a great King to be able to harness the full potential of the strength of the Council.

Provincial Government

The Numenorean Empire is divided into provinces. The provinces of Numenor proper are run by a Lord and each of these are to be found on the Council of the Sceptre. Outside of the Isle, provinces are typically run by Governors selected by the Council or the king. However, in some instances Lordships have grown up in the outer provinces as commissioned either de facto or by the Council itself. The local governments of provinces are often adapted to meet the needs of the provinces but are typically autocratic in structure following the model of Numenor proper. In wealthy colonies, such as Umbar, the wealth of the governor will rival if not exceed one of the Lords of the Great Houses of Numenor.

Council of the Sceptre

The Council of the Sceptre is the most poweful of the body politic outside of the monarchy itself. While in name it has little official power, it does wield great unofficial power acting in the capacity of the chief executers of the Imperial will. Thus they can appoint diplomats and ambassadors and other court officials over the King who in reality would find it difficult to micromanage such a structure. Over time, these unofficial acts have set precedents that the monarch would be hard put to override.

The members of the Council consist of the Lords of the Territories of the Isle of Numenor and such folk who hold an equivocable high position such as The Lord of Ships and Havens of Numenor and the heads of the most powerful guilds.

Tax Collection

Tax collection in the Numenorean Empire is based upon a harvesting system. The provincial governors have to bring in a sum of payment that has been assessed by the Council of the Sceptre. These taxes are collected mostly by a special cllass of civil servants who are paid a percentage of the taxes they collect. In this way, often people in the Numenorean hegemony are taxed at higher rates than what the Sceptre dictates due to the various levels of governmental structure in which the tax monies changes hands.