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Noble Houses
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These are the prominent Noble Houses of Numenor, whether based on the Isle itself, or beyond, in its coloniees.

House Minyatur
House Silmarien
House Bragollach
House Isilrim
House Indrakhor
House Gwaith-i-Aerhodil

House Indrakhor

Founded by the second son of Ar-Adunakhor himself, the Indrakhori are a haughty and wealthy clan of lords holding much land in the southern colonies, primarily Umbar. Concerned more than most with the exploitation of southwestern Middle-Earth's native peoples, this family has been one of Umbar's most prominent since the days of Er-Valdakhor, who governed that city in the name of his father the King.

The Indrakhori maintain large manors both in the city of Armenelos and upon estates in the Hyarrostar, and their children are educated in the finest academies of Numenor. As adults they divide their time between their vast holdings in Middle-Earth and the cultural splendour of Numenor itself; the former funds the latter, and the latter makes the former possible.
The symbol of the Indrakhori is a crimson Eagle upon a field of sable. In a strange tradition, the Heir of the House is known as 'The Flame of the Indrakhori', and has been such since the annointing of Er-Valdakhor's firstborn son. The origin and import of this tradition are unknown on the Isle, but whispered of at times in colonial Umbar.

House Gwaith-i-Aerhodil

The Gwaith-i-Aerhodil, a race unto themselves or so they would believe, have long been known as the masters of the sea. Although there are some who build better ships none can sail them with greater skill than Aerhodil's line. A race of pilots and adventurers whose path has strode the lengths of Arda, the Gwaith-i-Aerhodil consist of several families that have adopted a single name since the rise of Numenor. They take their origins from the Lay of Earendil, claiming that Aerhodil was one of the mariners that sailed upon the Vingilot when the Half-Elven took his journey through the Sundering Seas to Valinor. All the Gwaith-i-Aerhodil revere the ancient epic, often singing it at family gatherings. In the past, many of the Hirrim Gwaith-i-Aerhodil have served as Lord of the Ships and Havens and it seems to be a legacy with them, that each generation strive to attain that rank.

Their symbol is the cresting wave, its head bedecked with foam of pearl and silver, its body in sea blue. It rides upon a field of sable bordered in silver rayonne. This is the device of the ruling house of Aerhodil, that line which is the strongest in elven blood. The other houses employ a similar effect, the blue and silver wave upon a different field or along with several devices.

At present the ruling house has been decimated by a feud with house loyal to the King's Men. The Hir of the house was lost at sea with his eldest son and the daughters all were taken in forced marriage. The current heir is now Lomearandil, but he has disappeared and feared dead by those loyal to the ruling house. However, hope remains as there are rumors of his exile in the colony of Pelargir, though that hope is fleeting for it is said that he is sought by the Black Hand of the Enemy.