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Lore Skills
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A number of skills that require higher learning. Those skills are not possible to learn by practice only - one needs to formally study the theory as well. They encompass the science and lore of Middle-earth in the Second Age.

The following are the Lore skills: Alchemy, Astrology, Cartography, Engineering, Foretelling, History, Mechanics, Navigation, Poisoning, Priest, Scribing, Strategy, Tactics, Torture, Weather. New players are allowed no more than two skills from this category.


The study of various compounds, arcane and mundane, and their interaction. The basics of alchemy are invoked by many professions - from dyers to shipbuilders. Advanced study in alchemy reveals knowledge of complex compounds such as acids and further study is rumored to lead to the secrets of liquid fire, unbreakable metals and eternal youth.


The shining net of stars placed by Varda Elentari upon the firmament has been a source of wonder and inspiration not only for Elves. Other races seek to understand and explain the arrangement of the stars in the sky, seeking to foretell the future through them. While some consider it to be merely an offshoot of Foretelling lore, it is widespread enough in Mannish races to warrant a separate mention.


The art of making maps based on oral accounts of new lands and first-hand observations. Originated by Elves, it has been taken up by all other races and adapted for their purposes - Dwarves create maps of underground delvings, the Dunedain map the Seas and Orcs - invasion routes and spheres of clan influence.


Developped by Dwarves to the wonder and envy of the Umanyar Elves, engineering is the art to bend nature to your will. Digging tunnels, laying bridges, turning caverns into a kingdom of great beauty require engineering expertise. This skill is also used in fortification and the devising of engines of war. Both Orcs and Dunedain seem to have been able pupils of the Dwarves in this skill, but none surpass them.


While many other skills have as their ultimate objective the prediction of future events, they are based on factual information. Foretelling is a mystical lore whose adepts reject other methods of foretelling as hopelessly materialistic. An innate ability of many Calaquendi Elves, however other races are also able to learn it. It is said that masters of foretelling say little, but never err.


The recording and analysis of past events and their implications upon the future. Advanced historians will know and use the basic sources of history, while a Master historian will know sources, both primary and secondary and will be able to discriminate between them to arrive at the true picture.


The skill of creating machines with the use of elementary physics. Catapults and ballistae are the product of mechanics, and taken up by most races. Most practiced by the Orcs, mechanics are responsible for their mastery of incredible arrays of wicked, death-dealing devices, explosive and otherwise.


The skill specific to seafaring races, Navigation relies heavily on cartography to find the ship's way in the sea and on weather forecasts to take into account the weather conditions. But its essence is to make the ship sail in the desired direction with maximum speed. This is achieved through the use of oars, sails, manipulation of rigging etc. Most sailors have knowledge of this skill. Master navigators greatly reduce the time it takes to cross the seas.


Arguably a political skill, poisoning is the art of killing without spilling blood. When a dangerous opponent cannot be eliminated by mundane means, the shrewd ones call in the poisoners. Poisoners combine their knowledge of natural and alchemical compounds to devise undetectable and efficient poisons. Experts administer time-delayed poisons while masters can poison mysteriously without any bodily contact or ingestion by the victim. Orcs excel at this skill and Elves are unable to learn it.


A rare skill that is specific to the dark races and the Rhevain. The existence of organized religion in these cultures implies that there are people who administer its rites and convert new adherents to it. Expert priests are able missionaries that can be sent to new lands with God's message, master priests are accomplished philosophers and may be counselors to the leaders of the culture. Neither Elves nor Dwarves need this skill.


Recording information on paper, stone, wood, metal, wax and other scribing implements. Done both in official capacity and on a personal whim. Historical information, royal decrees, census data and many other things are recorded. Scribes are also knowledgeable in the production of implements for their trade (paper, ink etc.).


A military skill that allows to plan and execute a victorious campaign/war. While tactical skills may win difficult battles, strategy can make sure the battles are won before they are fought. Knowing your enemy and knowing yourself are the keys to successful strategic planning.


A military skill that allows the wielder to confuse, entrap, surround or otherwise disadvantage an enemy army on the field of battle. From refusing a wing to the shrewd placement of reserves, there is a legion of tactical tricks that are frequently invented on the spot. Great tacticians are able to win or draw campaigns under seemingly hopeless disadvantages.


The lore of extracting information from a hapless victim against the will of the said victim. Torture is meant to intimidate, scare or hurt the subject until the objective is reached. Masters of torture are usually able to achieve these goals without shedding a drop of blood, influencing solely the mind and playing on the fears of the victim. Orcs excel at this skill while Elves disdain it and can not learn it.


The study and prediction of weather for the immediate future. It involves studying the air and water currents and the knowledge of historical climatic trends. Important for all races for the obvious reasons: sowing, harvesting, sailing and making war all depend on the weather forecast.