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How do I join a culture?

You should look at the different cultures available to see which one suits the character you want to play. This means have a basic idea of what your character might be. Do not be affraid to ask questions to the memebers of the different cultures, they will all be happy to answer any questions you might have. Once you find the culture that interests you just contact one of the staff of that particular culture. They will probably ask you some questions and then culture you.

I have joined a culture. What now?

Well the first thing you have to do get your self familiar with the commands of the culture, for this just type +nhelp (for Numenor) and a list of help files will be at your disposal. After getting familiar with all the help files, it is time to think more deeply about you character. This means what does he look like, what kind of job does he have, what is his history, what faction he is in, etc. This is one of the most important steps, for it will set the chief traits of your character.

First you have to set a description. This is what other players see when they look at you. Remember that all people see the same thing all the time. What this means, is you should only include things that are obvious. For example, you may include physical attributes, like if your character is tall or short, strong, thin, etc. On the other hand you should not include actions, what this means, do not put down that you are smiling, for you will not smile all the time. To set your description just type:

@desc me=<text> (where <text> is your description).

Secondly you have to set your history. The history is a very important part of your character, it is his background. This will help other players to get an idea of the character they are RPing with...which helps to create a better RP. Not many things you have to know about creating a history, be creative but not too fancy, include events that are important to the theme. For example why are you with a certain faction of the Numenorian culture, etc. To set your history just type:

&history me=<text>

To complemate the history function is the Info gunction. There are two parts of Info, the Public and Private inforamtion. The Public information are things that are known to the public, for these reason all players have access to your Public info. For example, something important might have happened in your childhood and that news has travel to the ears of all. On the other hand, there are things in your past that you do not want people to know about or at least only the people you tell. This information you put in the Private info and only the people who you give access too, can read that information. To set your information, just type:

&info-public me=<text>....For your public information
&info-private me=<text>..For your private information
+info...................................To read your information
+info <player>...................To read the public information of <player>
+info/private <player>......To read the private information of <player> (Note: you can only access it if you are granted access to read the Private info of that player).

Managing access to your Private info, just type:

+info/add <player>......To add <player> to your Private list
 +info/rem <player>......To remove <player> from your Private list
 +info/list..............To view your Private list

Finally you get a job. There are different job positions in Numenor and it's colonies. Ranging from a post in the mighty Numenorian army or as a respected and wise healer to a wealthy merchant or a gifted smith. For more information on the different jobs availlable look at our job section in this site. Know that you are not required to choose only from the positions mentioned and are free to be creative. If there is another job that you would like your character to have just mention it to one of the admins.

What is this IC and OOC stuff?

After you have finish creating your character, you need to know the difference between IC and OCC. This is probably the most confusing thing to new players. But do not worry, for it is not hard to understand. Let's start with IC: it stands for In Character and when in this mode you have to behave like your character. This means all that you do and say is actually your character. The description and history that you did before are the main traits of you character. OOC on the other hand, stands for Out Of Character. This means that when you are in this mode you are behaving like yourself. The IC mode should be used when RPing, since you are playing your character, and the OOC mode when you are not RPing.