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Red Panda : Righteous Enemy of Destiny Performing Attacks that Nullify Devotion towards Akane

Welcome to The Red Panda Z Project

No, they shall never win...

Where we oppose the wretched project P.A.N.D.A.-R. at every corner !

Oblivion: Greetings! You have reached the headquarters of project Red Panda-Z! We pride ourselves on opposing destiny in specific forms, for example, the wedding of Ranma and Akane.

Self-Destruct: Right! But even we three can't take on destiny alone!

Oblivion: Sadly true. That's why we need your help. Here are the qualities you need to join project RED PANDA-Z:

o Desire to contradict Genma.

o Hatred towards destiny.

o Conviction that either Ranma or Akane would be better off with someone else (Example: Ranma with Ukyo, Akane with Oblivion).

o Feeling that putting the two main characters together is too cliche.

Seraviel: If you have one or more of these qualities, RED-PANDA Z is for you...!

Oblivion: Nice effort. Anyhow, joining is easy! Just send an E-mail to THE PROJECT and enter your name, E-mail address, and reasons for opposing 'the' wedding (Example: Akane is destined to be with Oblivion). This organization is a para-military villainous rebellion against goody-two-shoes that can't even appreciate The Fact THAT THEY'RE WITH THE SWEETEST FLOWERS IN THE UNIVERSE AND DON'T EVEN DESERVE IT!! BUT WE'LL SHOW THEM!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Disdain taps Oblivion's shoulder* Eh? Oh right. Um, like I was saying, this is paramilitary, so also list the rank you want to have.

Self-Destruct: Be warned, chief general of offense, master strategist and supreme emperor are already taken.

Oblivion: If you have a web site, you can also put our banner on your web site as proof of membership. If you do and give us your web site URL, we'll create a direct link to it, free of charge!

Seraviel: And don't bother pointing out similarities between this web page and project PANDA-R, we know. And if you don't know what Project PANDA-R is, then don't look for it...

Self-Destruct: By the way, other projects will be added once we get more troops. Here are some of our future prospects:

@ Team Rocket beating Ash in the Pokémon league finals

@ Rei II surviving the fight against Armisal the 16th Angel

@ Goku actually losing against Vegeta

@ Hitomi falling for someone else than Van Fanel


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All images on this site were found on the internet and are the copyright of their true authors. Ranma 1/2 is a work of of the great Rumiko Takahashi and all characters of that serie belong to her. All characters belong to whoever created them. No disrespect is meant by the any use of these items.

This site is the propriety of Thierry Chartrand-Chamblay/Snapdragon