Name: Asa Lothario
Age: 15
Location: Georgia, USA
Contact Info:
ICQ#: 112949383
AsaLothario on AIM
Titles Held:

Game Experience:

Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 2, Bomberman 5, Tetris Attack, DBZ Butoden Series, Kirby's Avalanche, Puyo Puyo 2, Smash T.V., Kirby Superstar, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat 2


Asa Lothario I believe would be considered more sporty than everything. He's really good at games, of no doubt, but he knows he isn't the strongest alive. He loves to think so, because these weaklings in his town don't even like games that much, so he doesn't get much challenges except the computer. He tries at top notch to overcome computers all the time and yearns for more....

Profiles List

Mascot: Kirby

Kirby Superstar

Color: Silver