Let the ZSNES Wars begin!

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ZSNES War Board

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Current Tournament: Gundam Wing Endless Duel

Number of Visitors to this site since December 13, 2000


ZSNES Battle Log

04/01/21: Wow... 20 years later and I can't believe this site is still up. ZSNES Wars brought back some fond memories of my college years. To anyone who may be reading this after all this time, especially those who were members of this site, I thank you for helping make this site what it was back then and I hope ZSNES Wars also reminds you of happier, more care-free times. If you'd like to reach out and see what I've been up to nowadays, send me an email: dominicaninja@hotmail.com. Also be sure to check out my Twitch channel to see what games I've been playing: https://www.twitch.tv/darkangelus31. Don't forget to click Follow!

9/30/01: I have trimmed 4 people off the waiting list and added them to the site. GOKU is none other than Goku from the DBZ series and has been waiting to be added for quite some time now. DarkRaven (Sephiroth) also has been waiting for some time and is the brother of code_name_wind if I am correct. From what I remember, it is his goal to destroy his brother in all games. Let's see whatcha got. Panther is the liquifying Glacius seen above. I'm surprised no one had taken Glacius as mascot earlier. And finally Urameshi Yuusuke is himself seen above beside Ken. This is a refreshing new character to the site from the Yuu Yuu Hakusho series. One note about him, he is formidable in Gundam Wing. Ok, please make these new people feel welcome by beating them up--- I mean challenging them to a battle in ZSNES.

10/3/01: Yipee! The tournament has finally reached Round 3!!! I thought it would never happened. Well I faced my opponent Ward and got my butt handed to me. I definitely got a lot of training to do. Anyway, this round has probably confused many people, but it will soon make sense. Rest assured, someone will be victorious.

10/4/01: Okay this is a major update. Although only three new faces have been added, the site itself has undergone some changes. Firstly, if you haven't noticed, The Chat link has been removed and replaced by the new Downloads link. I have had requests by different people for this so I finally devoted a section for it. I suggest everyone download Zbattle Net and install it. If you haven't used it before, it basically makes your life easier in a couple of ways. First of all, you don't need to have your rom named the same as your opponent and second of all, you don't need to manually type in their IP to connect. Plus, you can play other people online and get better. Ok onto the Profiles page. It's undergone a bit of a change. I have split the one long column into two to make it easier to find people. Also, everyone has been given an ID number in the order in which they were added to the site. As for those who've made it to the semifinals (The SSJ Son Goku, Asa Lothario, and Ward) in the tournament, look out for emails from a certain person who will ask to challenge you. His/her identity still remains unrevealed but that will change after the first battle. Now onto the new guys:

Kormecca is represented by Squall from Final Fantasy 8. Although not an actual sprite from the game, I think it looks pretty darn good dontcha think? Watch out for that Gunblade! Death444 is the souped up Gundam known as Heavy Arms Custom. He is seen mingling with the other Mobile Suits above. Lastly, Chase like BloodyCorpse has taken to the ways of Vegeta. He is seen standing to the right of Kormecca in the lower floor above. On a final note, I am working on compiling a Buddy List of all ZSNES War members for everyone to download so we can all keep in touch easily. That's it for now.

10/9/01: Okie, time for another update. Two quick notes, code_name_wind's profile and sprite have been updated/modified and Urameshi has left the builidng. Ok, onto the joinees. DoomStrife is now the third Goku to join the site and he is seen with power surging through his arm above on the bottom floor. His top game according to his profile (one of my favs) is Metal Warriors. I just posted something up on the message board about this game. Minor Threat (I love that name) is represented by Iggy Koopa of the Super Mario series. He's that Koopa with the dizzy eyes. He plays a variety of games in different genres. Next up is Darkium, who uses a very nostalgic character, the Black Mage from Final Fantasy 1. The little wizard specializes in Killer Instinct and is familiar with other fighting games. Speaking of nostalgic, our final joinee for today goes by the name NostalJim. He is portrayed by, of course, everyone's favorite earthworm super hero, Earthworm Jim. That's one game that never ceases to amuse me. Anyway, he plays a variety of games, mostly fighting, and specializes in DBZ Butoden 2. That's it for tonight. Hey Jim, your boxers are showing!

As of right now, applications won't be accepted due to the overload of the Waiting List. Check back some time in the future. If you need AOL Instant Messenger to chat with opponents, download it here. If you need the emulator, click on the link below.

Need the Emulator?


NostalJim Darkium Minor Threat DoomStrife Chase Kormecca Death444 DarkRaven GOKU Panther John BeerKeg Deadly Rays Chado Silo-J FoxMcCloud Blade BloodyCorpse Divine Enervation gekko-kamen Captain_N2001 Magus0109 WHurricane16 Evil Gold Prisoner of War Epyon Dominicaninja wing gundam code_name_wind Hollywood Hasney Former Talkshow Host Link AnotherGamer Skyza StarWind Chaotic God X Zer0Lojix Raditz Agahnim Bling Asa Lothario The SSJ Son Goku ShotokanRyu Allstar T-MONEY Kazmer13 Juancho Z Excelsus Legit Lt. Zelkian Krillin And1Hustla VileX AMPonzi Aurora Mage Asclepius Ozzy Search Man X Ward