Name: Captain_N2001
Age: 19
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Contact Info:
ICQ#: 42679010
Sabrewulf2ki on AIM
Titles Held:

Game Experience:

Killer Instinct, Tetris Attack, Super Mario Kart, Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters


I have been a excellent game player since the first days of the NES. I am best at fighting games and puzzle games as well as rpg's and first person shooters. I am pretty good at Killer Instinct as well as gundam wing. I was the best at TETRIS ATTACK of all my friends but I lost the skill so try challanging me and see if my skills are still good.. If you screw up once, it may be your last chance to win cause i can easily overcome your attacks and etc. So come and challange me! I'll be waiting for you..

Profiles List

Mascot: Sabrewulf

Killer Instinct

Color: Green