Name: Dominicaninja
Age: 20
Location: NY, USA
Contact Info:
Dominicaninja on AIM
ICQ#: 48277029
Titles Held:

Game Experience:

Killer Instinct, MK I-III, UMK3, Metal Warriors, STFIITurbo, SSFII, GW: Endless Duel, Contra 3, SOM I - II, Worms, Bomberman 3, Tetris Attack, Kirby's Avalanche, Tetris & Dr. Mario, SMW, SM All Stars, Kirby's Dreamcourse, Final Fight I-III, FFGuy, DKC I-II, DKC III, Strike Gunner, Monopoly, Separation Anxiety, Super Ninja Kun, Samurai Shodown, Dragonball Z: Hyper Dimension


If you haven't noticed, I specialize in fighting games, especially Killer Instinct. I intend on holding the Title for Grandmaster in that game as soon as I find some challengers. I represent the brothers of PHI IOTA ALPHA: Alpha Chapter and fight for all Dominicans. I am considered the Video Game Master by many and if you ever play me, you better be sharp because this ninja knows no limits. Oh yea, just in case you were wondering, I am the webmaster of this site, so please direct any questions and/or comments to me (See my Contact Info above).

Profiles List

Mascot: Jago

Killer Instinct

Color: Blue