
The following items may be of use to you:
Um I'm not exactly sure why you would want to download this, I think it has something to do with playing the games... yea that's it. You can also download SPCAmp from this URL. SPCAmp lets you listen to your ZSNES music on Winamp.
This is a very nifty program that simulates Blizzard's Battle Net. It basically lets players connect to each other to play online and chat. The interface is very simple and there are already many players who use this. This is a must-download for everyone. Thanks to Ian Perez.
As much as some people hate AOL, like it or not, AIM is one of the best chat tools available online and is also one of the most popular. Many members use AIM already so using this would give you a good chance at finding someone to play with.
This is probably the most used alternative to AIM. Many people find ICQ to suit their needs better. If for some reason AIM isn't for you, give ICQ a try.
As of right now, I have not yet tried this program. However it sounds very promising. It supposedly combines all the chat programs into one big interface, so you can chat with people on AIM, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, etc. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Thanks to Ward for this one.

Here's a collection of all the members who use AIM to set up games. Just download it and open it in AIM.



If you have anything you think would be good for download, please send an e-mail with an explanation of what it is to If it qualifies, I'll post a link to it. Sorry, but I can't accept any roms so please don't send me any.