Name: AMPonzi
Age: 16
Location: NJ, USA
Contact Info:
AMPonzi on AIM
Titles Held:

Game Experience:

Tetris Attack, Super Bomberman 2, Super Street Fighter II, Killer Instinct, Kirby's Dream Course, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV, Tetris 2 - 3, Tetris Attack, Kirby's Avalanche, NHL Hockey games, Super Mario Kart, Sailor Moon S and SuperS, FIFA International Soccer, Ultraman, Uniracers, Tecmo Super Bowl, Family Feud


As you can see I'm more or less a puzzle kind of person, fighting games aren't my best. But be warned because in Tetris Attack if I can get really going you will be buried by a big big block. But other than that I like to play and I also like playing some single player games if you want to do a back and forth single player game in MMX or DKC like that. I love the SNES and I think it's one of the best systems out there still.

Profiles List

Mascot: Link

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Color: Red