Required: This quest is required to advance in the game.
Summary: The island with Verhoffin's Ruins has been invaded by some undead creatures. As a result, the ships which normally sail here no longer includes the Isle of Ashes on their schedule. You'll have to destroy the portal the undead are coming from in order to restore ship service to the island.
How to do: You must first complete the "Kill the Dragonflies" quest. When you've done that, go back and talk to Yrsa. She will instruct you to speak to Forad Darre (the guy by the bridge). Go back and talk to him. He'll join you after saying something about "behind that door". He's referring to a locked door on the island section with Verhoffin's ruins. You can talk to him some more by hitting the "5" key twice, and he'll say you should go back and talk to Yrsa again. Go back to Yrsa and she'll realize she forgot to give you the key (you must have Forad Darre with you or she won't remember about the key). Then go back and head across the bridge to Verhoffin's Ruins. You will have to battle some skeletoids when you get there.
You could just leave directly, but take a moment and enter the ruins. There's a treasure chest you can get to without encountering anyone inside that usually has some nice things in it. It is trapped, though - make sure you have your Disarm Trap person open it, and even then, save your game first.
(Back to outside) If you have the key the door will open, although walking down the path to the door wakes three skeletoids from the ground. Inside is a room (free of monsters, except for the skeletoids which may have followed you in if you didn't kill them first). There is a book on a pedestal directly across from the door. Touching it will take you off the island, but look behind the door first - you'll see a treasure chest, which I don't believe is trapped (but be safe anyway). If you touch the book first, you will lose the chance to open the chest.
When you are ready to leave the island, touch the book. You will get an animation sequence and be transported to Sturmford (a four day journey).
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