Required: This quest is required to advance in the game.
Summary: Sigmund believes that the Crona Kiga, an ancient crown artifact, will "prove" his divine right to rule Drangheim. He makes recovery of the Crona Kiga a condition of his joining the coalition.
How to do: Set everyone's quickspell to Turn Undead. Go to the Chasm of the Dead in Drangheim and go through it until you get to the outside area, stopping just outside the door before the apparitions come. Cast Feather Fall and jump off the side. Once you land on the lower section of ramp, walk uphill until you are next to a door. Quicksave your game here. Then walk a little farther up the ramp (if the apparitions come you've gone too far; reload from your quicksave and try again). Feather Fall should still be active, so jump down to the bottom level from here and run to the door at the end of the broken columns (past the reflecting pool of water). When you get there, turn around. You'll have to fight several zombie types, some of which will regenerate after they're killed. After they are permanently dead, open the door.
A couple of skeleton types will be just inside. They also regenerate. (Virtually everything in this part of the chasm regenerates, so I will stop repeating it. Just be aware that it will happen.) Kill them and continue straight ahead down the main corridor, killing everything that attacks you and avoiding the trap triggers on the floor (hopefully you have enough perception to see them). Open the door at the end and go inside. Some more skeleton types will attack you here; kill them, go across the room and down the steps, and open the next door. Stop just inside. Across the room you should see a sarcophagus with a couple of chests visible behind it. Around the room you will also see quite a few difficult zombie types. The Crona Kiga is behind the sarcophagus on a stand, but situated so that you can't see it from the door. Run across the room and pick it up. The zombies will not attack you yet. While standing on the platform with the Crona Kiga, you can open the chests and take the contents, so do this too.
Use Lloyd's Beacon to transport out of the Chasm (go anywhere you already have it set to that isn't immediately dangerous; you can Town Portal away from that location). If you don't have Lloyd's Beacom, make a mad dash back the way you came, making sure to shut the door behind you. Use your Turn Undead quickspells to shoo the zombies away from you. When you get a green light, Town Portal out of the Chasm.
When you've safely got the Crona Kiga, return to Sigmund the Stressed in Drangheim for your reward.
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