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News & Updates

 Luigi's Lair Forums - updated by: Misto-Roboto
 -Tuesday, Febuary 12, 2002 @ 6:30PM

 Some great news for you Luigi fans out there and internet dwellers; I have put a forum for the site! The new section should be up and ready for you to use. I hope you guys enjoy it and try not to be a jerk in the forums! See ya!

 The New Year - updated by: Misto-Roboto
 -Wednesday, January 30, 2002 @ 8:50AM

 O-K! Well, the new year has hit us and we are most definitely enjoying it! I've gotten inspiration to work on the site and possibly bring along my comic strip; Planet Fusion! I've also added a movie clip of a very familiar commercial of Super Smash Bros.I've also added a link to the link section to a crazy and wacky site known as the Kult of Kamek! It's not the most exiciting site, but if you are a big fan of the character Kamek then that website is definitely for you. I'll probably have a history of Luigi along soon and maybe a walk-through for Luigi's Mansion!

 New Layout - updated by: Misto-Roboto
 -Thursday, November 29, 2001 @ 3:17AM

 Well, basically folks, I'm going for a new layout of the site. This should be a lot neater than the old one I had. Hopefully this will make typing updates a lot easier on the eyes and on me. If you think something should be different about the site, let me know.

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