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"This has got to be one of the best Metal Gear sites I have ever been to!" -

1/26/01- Updated strategies section with MGS Rankings table and Maps, check it out!

1/16/01- Konami has confirmed that the Metal Gear Solid 2 Game Demo will be shipped with Zone of the Enders for PS2 in March! Check out the news section now for more!

1/15/01- Metal Gear Music is now available for download! All the music you hear on this site can be found in the media section, check it out!

1/12/01- MGS 2 UPDATES: Check out the news section and the media section for the latest on MGS 2, and look for more updates in all the sections over the next few days.

1/5/01- New year, new URL... access this site from the now permanent address:!!

10/19/00- FORUM QUESTION: What's your best time and/or stats after finishing MGS (PSX/PC)?
Join the MGS forums now and post your best time!
You can download a 49 MB demo of Metal Gear Solid (PC) from

10/18/00- I'd just like to confirm that Solid Snake's real name is your own name, you are Solid Snake. Although Snake tells Meryl and Otacon to call him David, he really has no real name. Read EGM's interview as proof.

10/17/00- Think you know everything about Metal Gear? Take the SolidMetalGear Quiz and test your Metal Gear I.Q.! Check back for future editions of the quiz. If you have a good question you think should be in the next quiz, email me!

10/15/00- Want to work for this site? If you want to help build this site (for free) and become a employee just email now!

9/6/00- Check out the strategies section for new FAQs, walkthroughs, and codes for the other Metal Gear games: Metal Gear (NES), Snake's Revenge (NES), and Metal Gear Solid (GBC).
Also, check out the links section for new links to Konami's official MGS 2 site and more.

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READ it! Quiz #1
In Metal Gear (NES), what is the name of the scientist who designed the Metal Gear?

In Metal Gear Solid (PSX), what is Deepthroat's codec frequency?

and more ....
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Metal Gear Bosses Poll
Who is the best boss in Metal Gear Solid?


Next Gen Systems Poll
Which next gen system are you most interested in?


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Soundtrack: "The Encounter"

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