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Welcome to the Norn Download Centre!

That's all I have time to put up for now, check back in tomorrow and I'll have more up!
Abernathy is a real sweetie of a norn, unfourtunately no thanks to Abernath's gene's! Abernathy isn't really a note worthy norn, except Abernathy gets along with other norns really well!
Aletha Is a really friendly norn, with no bad eating or sleeping habits, so long as other norns aren't near by, she's a bit of a social butterfly and will ignore her needs and will chat, kiss, tickle, and mate. She is a very good breeder, but I'm not sure if this file is of her as an adult or child! If you find out pleas e-mail me!
Amberdrake Amberdrake's name comes from a serise of books by Mercedes Lackey, called the Mage Wars, just in case you thought you recognized the name. Amberdrake is a solitary norn, who likes to site by the dragon in the New Haven world, which is available at the Creatures Jungle.
Bastille is a male norn, believe it or not. I couldn't think of a name for him, so I made this one up! he is still a baby I think, and is a white norn. He was exported on birth if he is a baby so I dont know much about him.
Baracuda loves Moon Cheese! She is an excellant eater so long as there is plenty of Moon Cheese around, and it's super healthy so she is very healthy. I love this norn, she looks kinda plain, but she is a really nice norn, she even befriended my world's grendle before I moved to New Haven!