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StarCraft Legacy Realms Basics: Attacking




Some overall things to keep in mind regarding attacking:

Pre-Attack Stage

  • Scout your target before an attack.  Look for the structures they're building,  the type of units they have, and where they are trying to expand.. 

    See also: Recon

  • Surprise the enemy with your attack.  

    Think of what the enemy will do to stop your attack; catch the enemy off guard. If you have an idea what the enemy might attempt to counter with, find something to counter that.
  • Determine which units are best suited attacking enemy defenses; attack units that cannot counter attack when the opportunity arises.
  • Have a mix of armies.  The more of a mix you have, the more bases you cover; you will be more prepared for unexpected counter attacks.
  • Start attacking when you get a good sized group of units.

    The longer you wait the longer he will have time to get ready for it.

During an Attack

  • Attack as many times as possible; keep the pressure on.
  • Expand while you attack.  

    Keep the enemy too busy to worry about attacking your expansions or starting any new ones.

  • See also: Economy

Method of Attack:

  • Double team the most damaging units as much as possible to kill them quicker.

    Try to outnumber the attack/counter attack ratio by 3 to 1 (this does depend on circumstances).
  • Know when to retreat; know when to cut your losses and run.


  • Miners!: Stopping the enemies income always has a crippling effect.
  • All enemy expansions.

    Keep the enemy from expanding to cripple their economy.  If you see the enemy constructing a base without first building a defense, attack them after they've spent the money for it.  Take every opportunity to make them waste money.
  • Defensive structures.
  • Supply "Farm" structures.
  • Detection units.
  • Spell casters.
  • Enemy bases (when you know you can win or at least cripple their economy).
  • Enemy outposts.
  • Enemy recon units.

Attack Strategies:



When Zerg the usage of lurkers against ground units is very effective; you could attack with hydras and when he sends in forces you bring back your hydras to your lurkers and... well you get the point. In that attack one of my hydras where badly injured, I would fix this problem by mutating him into a lurker; this way he get full hit points back.  Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1: Using Lurkers