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Unit  of the Week  


Welcome to StarCraft Legacy Realms.  Visit Channel SLR on Battlenet and challenge any of us to a game.  We encourage competition of all levels of expertise.  Visit our Forum to schedule games and discuss strats.

The Temp~'s Tip of the week: 
Micro Management is key. Who ever thought one dark templar could destroy a base?

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Zerg: Structures

Zerg: Units




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News (Archives)

December 14, 2000

The Gallery section is fixed =)

The Links section is finally uploaded, but, i need more URLīs, so plz send me some links to


December 02, 2000

Fixed some units pages. 

We have almost 6 strategies in the Submissions section.

Also, if you want to have a Profile in the Members page, send a e-mail to: 

Uploaded the Glossary section. 


November 22, 2000

RoadRunner has writen some strategies for us. Go and check it here.


November 10, 2000

SLR needs your help, click on the button at the end of this and vote for us.


November 4, 2000

6 new strats, in the Submissions section =).

Fixed some erroRs in differents sections, thanks to FM_MOLTKE. 


Zerg: Units: Scourge

Basics: Recon



This section covers the basic information for any given race.  This is a perfect place for a newbie to start or for a veteran to review.

Units, Structures, Economy, Micromanaging, Macro managing, Recon, Attacking, Spells, More...

Psychological Warfare

Learn the secrets of complete domination with the mighty Protoss.

Units, Controls, Structures, Build Tree, Builds, Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game, More...

Learn the proper protocol to annihilate the alien scum!

Units, Controls, Structures, Build Tree, Builds, Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game, More...

Learn the best techniques to assimilate all worthy races and destroy the rest.

Units, Controls, Structures, Build Tree, Builds, Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game,  More...

This section contains various articles on "how to" do just about anything in StarCraft.  These articles are based on submissions by various StarCraft players from our forum and will be left unedited. 

Race Combos
Strategies for ?v? human opponents.

2v2, 3v3, 4v4, Free For Alls

A collection of images related to StarCraft: extra screen shots and artwork.

The StarCraft Legacy Realms discussion board at provided by Delphi. Visit here to post strategies, vote on polls, text chat, or voice chat with other players.

Note: You must register with Delphi forums (it's free) to visit.  Register a unique name (similar to your name on Battlenet).  If you register as a guest, you will only be able to read posts.

StarCraft terms that newbies may want to check out. 

This section has custom maps,  scenarios, and campaigns created by the various authors from the forum.  Check out some previews of  the project that  The_Temp~ and Lemmy are creating.

Just about anything else that doesn't fit in any of the other categories. 

Friends, forum regulars, and gaming members contact information. 

Rockin_Death, ClockworkCanary, Roadrunner, TheTemp~, Lemmy, Many More...

Note: Sometimes we read some excellent strategies on various forums that we would like to mention.  Any strategies posted here from other sites, mainly [o]Qwerty's StarCraft University and Ballisto's StarCraft University, will be posted only with the authors' permission.  Any information from other authors will be quoted, paraphrased, summarized and cited accordingly.  We thank all those who have given their permission. 

Note: All Screenshots and many graphics are taken from Blizzard Entertainment's StarCraft and StarCraft Brood Wars.

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This Site was last updated on 02/12/2000.

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