Card Game for 2 players. 
One player is the Exorcist. 
The other player is the Demon.
The Demon has taken Possession of a young Innocent. 
The Exorcist is trying to purge the Demon. 

The first player to win all the Soul Tokens is the winner. 

Each player gets 50 Soul Tokens. 

Each player has a unique deck. 
Each deck has 5 Suites. 

Shuffle the decks. 
Determine who is the Exorcist and who is the Demon. 
The Demon player is the active player in the first hand.

The role of the active player switches.
Each player antes 2 Tokens.
Each player draws 5 cards from the top of his deck.
First round of Betting:
The active player may ante up (up to 5 tokens)
The non-active player must match or fold.
The non-active player may ante up (up to 5 tokens)
The active player must match or fold.
If the deck is used up, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each player may discard up to 3 cards and draw replacements.
Second round of Betting:
The active player may ante up (up to 5 tokens)
The non-active player must match or fold.
The non-active player may ante up (up to 5 tokens)
The active player must match or fold.
Players reveal and compare hands:
Rank	Type:
1	Pair (Two of a Kind)
2	Two Pairs
3	Three of a Kind
4	Five all Different
5	Full House (Pair and 3 of a Kind) 
6	Four of a Kind
7	Five of a Kind
The player with the higher rank wins the hand. 
If there is a tie, the hand does not count. 
The winner keeps the pot (of Soul Tokens).
At the end of the hand, discard all cards.

A = Aid and Assistance
E = Exorcists Traits
C = Ceremonial Actions
S = Struggle 
D = Divine Power

Card Name:			Suite 
Miraculous Exorcism		S
Breakpoint			S
Silence the Voice		S
Expulsion			S
Return to Hell			S
Spiritual Pressure		S
Learn Demon’s Name		S
Direct Battle with Demon	S
Revelation			S
Ward 				S
Banishment			S
Invoke The Holy Spirit		C
Prayer				C
Command				C
Solemn Adjuration		C
Fasting				C
Sign of the Cross		C
Place Demon on Oath		C
Word of Binding			C
Drive out the Devil		C
Laying on of Hands		C
Bid the Devil Depart		C
Rite of Exorcism		C
In the Name of Jesus		D
Forgiveness			D
Cast Them Out			D
Healing				D
Fear of Christ			D
God’s Will			D
Divine Mission			D
Supreme Triumph			D
Redemption			D
Will of the Kingdom		D
Deliverance			D
Ritual Romanum			A
Deliverance Ministry		A
Biblical Scripture		A
Relic				A
Bones of the Saints		A
Crucifix			A
Holy Water			A
Salt (Purity)			A
Wine (Blood of Christ)		A
Junior Priest			A
Medical Doctor			A
Family Member			A
Free of Sin			E
Faith				E
Guiltless			E
Sacramental Powers		E
Virtue				E
Physically Strong		E
Charismatic Power		E
Courage				E
Humility			E
Awareness of Entity		E
Feel Presence			E

V = Voice and Tricks of the Demon				
D = Demonic Possession 
W = Weakness in the Exorcists/Victim
P = Physical Signs and Symptoms	
F = Forces of Evil at Work				

Card Name:			Suite
Doomed Spirit			D	
Malignant Force			D	
Fallen Angel			D	
Infernal Agency			D	
My Name is Legion		D	
Evil Spirit			D	
Unclean Spirits			D	
Hostage to the Devil		D	
Demoniac Molestation		D	
Diabolical Infestation		D	
Satanic Influence		D	
Demonized			D	
Power of Satan			D	
Fiendish Affliction		D	
Personality Change		W	
Split Personality		W	
Obsession			W	
Intense Hatred 			W	
Rage				W	
Wickedness			W	
Isolation			W	
Confusion			W	
Need for Punishment		W	
Shame				W	
Secret Sins			W	
Temptation			W	
Consequences of Sin		W	
Eternal Soul in Peril		W	
Disturbing Babble		V	
Inhuman Noises			V	
Distressing Speech		V	
Speak in Third Person		V	
Blasphemy			V	
Speak Unknown Languages		V	
Know Hidden Things		V	
Control & Direct		V	
Instrument of Malice		V	
Say what they want to Hear	V
Entrap				V	
Deceit				V	
Shout Out Sins			V	
Power of Prophesy		V	
Manifestation			F	
Ordeal				F	
Pandemonium			F	
Disruption			F	
Cause Panic			F	
Devil’s Pretense		F	
Spread Fear			F	
Turn on the Victim		F	
Black Magic			F	
Witchcraft			F	
Cursed				F	
Connection with Victim		F	
Pact with the Devil		F	
Escape from Hell		F	
Odors				P	
Horrible Sights			P	
Foul Smells			P	
Superhuman Strength		P	
Projectile Vomiting		P
Violence			P	
Complete Neck Twist		P	
Supernatural Powers		P	
Infirmity			P	
Poor Health			P	
External Pain			P	
Crescendo of Abuses		P	
Physical Suffering		P	
Torment				P	


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