Card game for 2+ players.
Each player controls a tribe (Band) of primitive human Foragers.

There are 2 ways to win:
1. Your tribe reaches a population of 30+ people cards
2. Eliminate all opposing tribes

Players share a common deck.
There are also generic marker cards:
-People (Persons)

10 sided dice are needed.

The most primitive player goes first.
Each player starts with 10 People and 2 Food cards.

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 7 phases:

Draw 1 card from the deck. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.
Draw an extra card if you have 15+ people.
Max hand size is 5 cards. Discard excess cards.
Counter Cards & Cards in play are not kept in your hand.

Play (discard) a Hunting card gain the Indicated number of Food cards.

You may Play (discard) 1 Hardship card on an opponent.
Your opponent must discard 1 Person card.
Your opponent may play certain Special cards to negate certain 
Hardship cards.

Automatically gain 1 Generic Person Marker card & put it into play.
Put any person cards from your hand into play.
You may attach up to 2 Weapon cards to any person card.

Discard 1 Food card per 10 people you have.
If you have no food cards left, discard a prisoner card (cannibalism).
If you have no prisoners, discard a People card (Starvation). 

You may play (discard) a Raiding card to attack an opponent’s tribe:
Pick which People & attached Weapon cards you want to attack with.
Your opponent must defend with all of his people cards.
(Each person may have 1 HTH Weapon & 1 Ranged Weapon attached)
Each player rolls 1D10 for each of his Persons with a Ranged Weapon.
If the roll is equal to or less than the Weapon Strength, 1 target enemy is killed.
(Attacks vs people with armor are at +1)
After all Ranged Weapons are used, each person card makes 1 Hand to Hand attack.
Each player rolls 1D10 for each of his HTH Attacks.
If the roll is equal to or less than the Persons Strength + attached 
Weapon Strength, 1 target enemy is killed.
(Note: Generic People Markers have a Strength = 1)
If the Attackers lost more people they retreat & the raid is over. (Defenders Win)
If the Defenders lost more people, they retreat & the raid is over. (Attackers Win)
If tied in casualties, start another round of attacks unless both 
players wish to retreat.
The attacker may start an extra round of attacks by playing a Massacre card.
The defender may start an extra round of attacks by playing a Counter-Attack card.
(Weapons & Armor attached to killed people are discarded)
The Defender can play a Defense card to cause any dieroll this phase to be rerolled.
The Attacker can play a Tactics card to cause any dieroll this phase to be rerolled.

Skip this phase if there was no raid.
If the Defender won, he draws 3 cards from the deck.
If the Attacker won:
1. He Frees all prisoners: he gains generic people cards of equal number.
2. He Captures 1D5 Generic people cards: They become prisoners.
3. He Steals 1D10 Food cards from the enemy.

# = Copies of card in deck
H = Hardship
G = Hunting/Gathering
FC = Food Cards
STR = Strength
P = Persons (People)
W = HTH Weapon
M = Ranged Missile Weapon 
D = Defense
T = Tactics
R = Raiding
X = Special

Name:			#	Type	FC	STR
Great Warrior		2	P	-	7	Attack rolls vs are at +1
Chieftain		2	P	-	6	Reroll 1 roll in Raid Phase
Big Man			4	P	-	5	
Warrior			6	P	-	4	
Hunter			8	P	-	3	Ranged Weapon gets Str+1
Strong Woman 		4	P	-	2
Spear Thrower		2	M	-	6
Thrown Rock		2	M	-	4
Boomerang		2	M	-	5
Falling Boulder		1	M	-	3
Bow & Arrow		2	M	-	7
Recurved Bow		2	M	-	8
Sling			2	M	-	5
Javelins		2	M	-	5
Heavy Spear		2	W	-	+3
Stone Axe		2	W	-	+3
War Club		2	W	-	+2
Tree Trunk		1	W	-	+2
Maul			2	W	-	+2
Flint Knife		2	W	-	+1
Bone Club		2	W	-	+1
Sticks & Stones		2	M/W	-	2/+1	Both Ranged & HTH
Wooden Shield		2	A	-	-1
Piecemeal Armor		2	A	-	-1
Sentries		1	D	-	
Defensible Location	1	D	-	
Guard Dogs		1	D	-	
Set Traps		1	D	-	
Set Fire		1	T	-
Surrounded		1	T	-
Ambush			3	R	-
Surprise Attack		3	R	-
Pitched Battle		3	R	-
War Party		3	R	-
Mammoth Hunters		2	G	6	
Over-Exploitation       2	G	6
Net Hunting	     	2	G	6
Great Elk		2	G	5
Big Game		2	G	5
Kill Predator		2	G	5
Aurochs	 		2	G	5
Hunting Party		2	G	4
Deer			2	G	4
Hunting Grounds		2	G	4
Rabbits			2	G	3
Birds			2	G	3
Rodents			2	G	3
Eggs			2	G	3
Spear Fishing		2	G	3
Net Fishing		2	G	3
Set Traps		2	G	3
Shell Fish		2	G	3
Reptiles		2	G	3
Insects			2	G	2
Honey			2	G	2
Vegetables		2	G	2
Fruits			2	G	2
Gourds			2	G	2
Berries			2	G	2
Wild Grains		2	G	2
Nuts & Seeds		2	G	2
Mushrooms		2	G	2
Roots			2	G	2
Tubers			2	G	2
Bark & Leaves		2	G	1
Lice Infestation	1	H	Medical
Infection		1	H	Medical
Spoiled Food		1	H	Medical
Disease			1	H	Medical
Gangrene		1	H	Medical
Break Leg		1	H	Medical
Drowning		1	H	Medical
Saber Tooth Tigers	1	H	Animal
Bear Attack		1	H	Animal
Wolves			1	H	Animal
Snake Bite		1	H	Animal
Migration		1	H	Exposure
Move Camp		1	H	Exposure
Blizzard		1	H	Exposure
Bitter Cold		1	H	Exposure
Frostbite		1	H	Exposure
Hypothermia		1	H	Exposure
Power Struggle		1	H	Social
Domestic Dispute	1	H	Social
Murder			1	H	Social
Lost Child		1	H	Social
Infanticide		1	H	Social
Massacre		4	X	
Counter-Attack		4	X	
Trade			2	X	Draw 2 cards
Meeting of the Tribes	2	X	Draw 2 cards
Cave Shelter		1	X	Negate Exposure Hardship
Furs & Skins		1	X	Negate Exposure Hardship
Camp Fire		1	X	Negate Exposure Hardship
Taboos			1	X	Negate Social Hardship
Shaman			1	X	Negate Social Hardship
Herbal Remedies		1	X	Negate Medical Hardship
Grooming		1	X	Negate Medical Hardship
Primitive Surgery       1	X	Negate Medical Hardship
Dogs			1	X	Negate Animal Hardship

Quest for Fire

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