There are 3 decks:
Mission Deck: Mission cards only
Threat Deck: Threat cards only
Action Deck: Aid & Mishap cards

Each player works up a ship & crew as normal.
Draw 7 Mission cards.
Place them face up on the table.
For each mission draw 2 threat cards & place them face up on top of the mission.
The Mission & Threat Decks are not used for the rest of the game.
Start with no cards in your hand.

The game is over when all 7 missions have been completed.
The player with the highest Victory Total at the end wins the game.
Missions in your Completion Pile are worth 2 VP.
Threats in your Completion Pileare worth 1 VP.

Draw one card from the Action Deck. 

You may decide whether to go on a mission or return to Starbase.
If you return to Starbase you may replace one killed Crewmember or repair all Ship damage.
If you go on a mission, target any one of the missions on the table.
You must first overcome any Threat cards on the Mission, the topmost first. 
If your crew and ship have skills and systems that match those on the threat card, you  
overcome the threat successfully. 
Place threats you have overcome in a separate Completion pile.
You may also play Aid cards to give your crew and ship extra skills.
Your opponents may play Mishap cards to cause your crew and ship to lose skills.
Aid and mishap cards effect only the current threat or mission. 
Discard Aid and mishap cards as soon as they have been played.
If you do not have the required skills you fail the threat. 
The failed threat card remains on top of the mission
If you fail the threat, roll once on the Threat Failure Result Table.
If you have overcome the threat you may stop, or try the next threat.
If you overcome all the threats you may try the mission. 
If you have the required skills, you complete the mission and get to keep the mission card. 
Keep your completed mission cards in your Completion pile.
If you fail the mission roll on the Failure table.
The failed mission remains in play.
A player may attempt only one mission per turn.

Discard cards in excess of 10 cards from your hand.
Scan cards may be played in this phase.

Only make the action deck.
For the Missions & Threats use the percentile tables

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