Board & Movement elements added. 2-4 players.
After All treasures have been claimed, the player with the most
Treasure points wins the game.
The cards will be divided into 4 decks:
Location Deck: Location Cards
Treasure Deck: Magic Items & Treasure cards.
Guardian Deck: Guardian cards.
Adventure Deck: Heroes, Spell, And Event cards.
Use a 5 X 5 grid as the board.
Each space must be large enough to hold a stack of cards.
The 4 corner spaces are empty.
These are home spaces.
Each player controls 1 home space.
Into the remaining 21 spaces:
Place 1 random Location card face up.
Place 1 random Guardian card face down.
Place 1 random Treasure/Magic Item card face down.
The Adventuring parties are represented by pawns.
Each player has 1 pawn.
An Adventuring party may contain up to 4 Heroes.
Roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order.
Each players pawn starts in its owners home (corner) space.
Players take turns.
The player whose turn it is, is the active player.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1 Draw phase
2 Recruit phase
3 Movement phase
4 Adventure phase
5 Recovery phase
6 Discard phase
Active Player draws 1 card from the Adventure Deck.
If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If a player's pawn is in his home space, that player may play any
Heroes in his hand to his 'Adventuring Party'.
The party may contain up to 4 Heroes.
Heroes in the party are placed face up on the table. They are in play.
Spell cards may be attached face down to mages, priests and heroes with spell levels.
A Hero can attach a number of spell cards equal to his spell level.
Spell cards may be attached regardless of pawn location.
Heroes may exchange magic items but not spells.
Each player has a treasure pile.
Treasures go to treasure piles as soon as they are found.
Magic items are attached to Heroes as soon as they are found.
Heroes can receive the benefit of only one weapon at a time.
Move your Pawn (Adventuring Party) 1D6 spaces.
Moves must be orthogonal.
Alternatively you can automatically move your party back to your home space.
If you enter a space that contains a guardian or an opposing pawn, you must stop.
You cannot move your pawn into an opponent's home space.
If all Heroes in a party are killed, the pawn is moved back to its home space.
This occurs if a party is in the same space as a guardian, or enemy party.
Flip the Guardian Face up.
Determine the Guardian value. The guardian value is equal to:
The Guardians CBT (Combat) score + Location bonuses + 2D6.
Any opponent may play appropriate event cards to increase the Guardian value.
If the Guardian is a mage or priest any opponent may play a spell card from his hand.
Compare the guardian value to the party value. The party value is equal to:
The CBT (Combat) score of all Heroes + special bonuses + 2D6.
The active player may play appropriate event cards to increase the Party value.
Spell casting heroes may each play one of their attached spells.
Events & Spells are discarded as soon as they are used unless otherwise specified.
Some spells and events cause the party to retreat.
A retreating party immediately goes back to its home space.
If the Guardian value is greater than the Party value, the party is defeated.
A Defeated party receives 1D6 hits distributed by the active player.
A defeated party immediately retreats to its home space.
Any Hero reduced to 0 Hits is killed (discarded).
Heroes cannot be given more hits than will reduce them to
0 unless the hero has Martyr ability.
If the Guardian value is equal or less than the Party value, the party keeps the
Treasure and the party receives only (1D6 - 3) hits.
The active player gets to put the Treasure in his treasure pile.
If the treasure is a magic item, it may be attached to a hero present that can use it.
Excess magic items may be carried.
If the guardian is defeated, discard the Guardian card.
Magic items may be recovered from dead heroes by surviving party members only if the
party won the adventure.
If two parties occupy the same space they will fight, each determining its Party
Value by the process described above.
The victorious party suffers (1D6-3) hits.
The defeated party suffers 1D6 hits and must retreat to its home space.
If the defeated party is wiped out, the winners may recover their Magic Items.
Non-home spaces that do not have Guardians are considered to be empty.
All Heroes in the active players party heal one Hit point of Damage.
Heroes heal two hit points of Damage if they are in their Home Space.
The player may move cards from his party into his hand.
A player must discard down to 7 cards in his hand.
Do not use the "Party Encounter, Double Trouble, Second Guardian, or
Monty Haul cards.
Pandoras Box- Discard to place 1D6 unused Guardians from Guardian deck onto target empty spaces. Maximum 1 guardian per space.
Happy Hunting- Take an extra Move and Adventure phase.
Lost- Your opponent may not move or adventure this turn. Play in his move phase.
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Zaks Treasure Hunter Dungeon Rules