Two-player card game of Napoleonic Warfare.
Simplified version of Fusillade
Players share a 52 card common deck.
The deck contains one of each of the cards described in the lists.
The deck has 10 Suites:
Infantry Units
Infantry Weapons
Cavalry Units
Cavalry Weapons
Artillery Units
Artillery Weapons
Each player starts with 100 points of troops.
Use change to keep track of troop points.
Reduce your opponents troop total to zero.
Each player is dealt 7 cards.
Flip a coin to see who goes first.
Players take turns. Each turn has 3 Phases:
1. Maneuver Phase
2. Attack Phase
3. Casualty Phase
First you may discard any cards from your hand, you don’t want.
Next, you may draw cards to fill your hand to 7 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
You may choose to attack or not to attack.
To attack you must play face up on the table a Meld.
A Meld must contain a minimum of 2 cards:
A Unit card and a Weapon card of matching Troop type.
Troop types include: Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery.
The meld may also contain up to:
1 Leader card, 1 Strategy card, and 1 Morale card.
Your opponent may play a defense card to negate a target Meld card.
A negated meld card has a Force value = zero. The Rest of the Meld still counts.
Add up the Force value of all the Meld cards you played.
This total is the number of casualties inflicted on your opponent.
Your opponent loses that many troop points.
IU = Infantry Units
IW = Infantry Weapons
CU = Cavalry Units
CW = Cavalry Weapons
AU = Artillery Units
AW = Artillery Weapons
L = Leaders
S = Strategy
M = Morale
D = Defense
Name Type Force Notes
Irregulars IU 1
Line Infantry IU 2
Light Infantry IU 3
Grenadiers IU 4
Guard Infantry IU 5
Skirmish IW 1
Musketry IW 2
Fusillade IW 3
Volley IW 4
Bayonets IW 5
Chasseurs CU 1
Hussars CU 2
Dragoons CU 3
Carabiniers CU 4
Cuirassiers CU 5
Pistols CW 1
Sabers CW 2
Lances CW 3
Charge CW 4
Pursuit CW 5
Horse Artillery AU 1
Light Artillery AU 2
Field Artillery AU 3
Heavy Cannon AU 4
Battery AU 5
Shrapnel AW 1
Solid Shot AW 2
Canister AW 3
Bombardment AW 4
Enfilade AW 5
Lieutenant L 1
Major L 2
Captain L 3
Colonel L 4
General L 5
Maneuver S 1
Concentrate Force S 2
Breakthrough S 3
Outflank S 4
Envelopment S 5
Discipline M 1
Valor M 2
Rally M 3
Esprit De Corps M 4
Flush with Victory M 5
Disordered D - Negate an Infantry Weapon Card
Infantry Square D - Negate a Cavalry Weapon Card
Reverse Slope D - Negate an Artillery Weapon Card
Killed in Action D - Negate a Leader Card
Reserve D - Negate a Strategy Card
Panic D - Negate a Morale Card
Fog of War D - Negate a Defense Card

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