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Patches and Utilities:
(Demos too!)

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SimCity 2000 Patches:

The Only One (Thank You): Simcity 2000 DOS Version 1.1

SimCity 2000 Demos:

SimCity 2000 Demo for DOS (1.7M) - by Maxis (EA)

SimCity 2000 Demo for Windows 3.1 (1.0M) - by Maxis (EA)

SimCity 2000 Demo for Windows 95 (1.7M) - by Maxis (EA)

To run these interactive demo, simply unzip the files into a new directory (or wherever) and double-click the Setup.exe or Install.exe file!  The Win95 version demo runs for 30 minutes before closing.  Have fun!

Utilities to download:

These utilities let you greatly increase the wealth of your city.  We recommend that you save your city files in another directory before using these utilities on them, just in case something goes wrong and you lose your precious city.  Just click the link to download.  Have fun!

Simcity 2000 Hex Editor for DOS (4.6K) - by Jerry Morre

(You will need the file vbrun300.dll in your c:\windows\system directory
in order for this program to run properly)

Simcity 2000 Editor for Windows (11.9K)