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Tile Sets

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Hey, here are some great Tile Sets for you to download.  We hope to have more for you to choose from soon!  On the right we give our rating for each city - Five Star.jpg (670 bytes)s would be considered perfect (you'll probably never find one) but four is also very good.   One Star.jpg (670 bytes)... well they had enought to make the list.  Hope you like these!

(You will need a decompression utility to view these files, as they have been compressed to save space.  Try WinZip, which you can find here!)

Set Rating:

Tile Set Name:



Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)StarHalf.jpg (5007 bytes)




Size: 285 KB

A full and nicely done set of modified and originol buildings. Very colorful and fun to see and use.

Jose Alexandre Barbosa da Silva


Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)


  El Rey 2


Size: 136 KB

El Rey - A near-full set of buildings which includes many different types of structures including castles and other foreign buildings.



Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)


  Hong Kong Millenium


Size: 70 KB

Hong Kong Millenium - A very well done, near-complete set which includes several incredible buildings that will make your city shine!



Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)StarHalf.jpg (5007 bytes)






Size: 89 KB

Landmarks - Includes 9 beautiful landmark buildings that you can use in your own city or add to your own tile set. The buildings replace the different powerplants, meuseums, prisons, colleges and zoos in SimCity.



Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)StarHalf.jpg (5007 bytes)


  SimCity  3000


Size: 345 KB

A complete set of buildings out of SimCity 3000. Very well done, but perhaps a bit dissapointing if you own or have seen the buildings in SC3.

David Albert


Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)


  Snowy -NEW


Size: 230 KB

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  Maybe you just want to see snow?  Check out this neat set - a combination of a ZealGames original and Winter Set, by Timothy Diggs.  Our buildings are the originals with the awesome icicle and shadow effects (and trees).

Timothy Diggs

Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)Star.jpg (670 bytes)




Size: 63 KB

Texas - A near complete set of texas buildings. A nicely done set.

Xavi Cantu