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Destiny Sim: Cheats


Cheat Name:Buy a house without Entering the Money Cheat

To Buy a Mansion without Entering the money cheat is easy, simply move the family in first in the lot where the house will be placed tehn alt-tab and unzip the house file there. Go back to the game, switch neighborhoods (if you have livin large or House Party) if you ONLY have 'The Sims' then go to a already moved in house and then come back to the neighborhood.

Cheat Name:Reset Mood

To Reset your Sim's mood use this cheat:

Ctrl+Shift+C : This brings up the Cheat Text Box. Type MOVE_OBJECTS ON then select your Sim and hit Delete, this will delete your sim. Now go back to Live mode, and double click on the ICON of the SIM you deleted. This will bring the SIM back to the house.

Note: This also RESETS the hygience, etc.

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