Bayou Wars
Gaming convention in Metaire LA, June 13-15, 2003

The Jackson Gamers were well represented at this annual gaming convention in Metaire LA (Just next door to the 'Big Easy' for those not in the know).

Photo by Ed Sansing

A shot of players during the Battle of Corinth game. This was run on the table next to the Circus Maximus chariot race and used rules from Midwest Wargames Association Newsletter (MWAN).

A number of Jackson Gamers voyaged south to the Big Easy for BAYOU WARS 2003. This was actually held at the Quality Inn in Metaire LA, but that is 'greater' New Orleans! Larry Reed took "Best Game Master" award for his "Storming the Stockade Redan" game in 15mm. Robert Whitfield ran two "Surface Warship" games and Josh Switzer won the Avalon Hill "Battle Cry" tournament.

Photo by Eric Betts

In Larry Reeve's Storming the Stockade Redan game, the Yankees on the right in the immediate front, are at the breatworks of the subsidiary work, closest to the camera. In the background, they are pouring up the face of the redan itself. The colored rubber bands on the troops are morale markers.

Photo by Eric Betts

Larry Reeves being awarded the "Best Game Master" award. I am not certain as to the criteria that was used to determine who deserved the award, but Larry's very nice fortified terrain for this game did not hurt!

Photo by Eric Betts

Larry displays the award to all of us to squint at and try to see it. I, for one, cannot make it out. Perhaps they should give BIGGER awards next year!

Photo by Eric Betts

An aerial view of the Stockade Redan, showing the blue-coats under fire, but before they actually reached the work. Note the calm orderliness of the Confederate infantry and batteries.

Photo by Eric Betts

The giant finger is pointing out the yankees, who have gained the first elevation of the work. Getting there is easier than STAYING there boys!

Photo by Eric Betts

The Yankees in the forground have been thrown back in disarray, while behind them, fresh regiments move to the attack. Larry Reeves used the BROM ACW rules in this game.

Photo by Eric Betts

Robert Whitfield (in black shirt on right) is running a Naval game set in the Barents sea during WWII. Note the German Battle Cruiser Gneisenau aflame. "Whit" ran two similar games at this year's BAYOU WARS, each lasting 3-4 hours.

Photo by Eric Betts

One of the many DBM games run as part of the DBM tournament.

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