Mark Stevens game set in 1912 in The Southern Phillipines
Into the Jungle

The Moro forces were led by "War Leader" Jay Stribling, who wrote this totally unbiased after-action report.

"We were all just sitting around in our peaceful jungle villiage of Juanomatopeia one day, when a runner brought news that the Yankee infidel dogs and their Phillipino lackeys were blundering towards us through the jungle. Brave Moslem warriors that we are, we snatched up our weapons and prepared to defend our homes from the three columns of the Americans, coming at us from the East, West, and North.

The Moros attempt to destroy the eastern column

Brave and colorful Moro warriors smash the Yankee column. We were led by two "Juramentados", warriors who have taken an oath to fight to the death and are drugged to feel no pain. Each Juramentado must be "hit" three times under our TSATF variant The Sword in the Phillipines.

The Yankee column was broken after three turns of our brave warriors' attacks and fled to the north, attempting to gain the safety of the Americans' northern column. Robert Whitfield (A great warrior of the Moro people!) pursued them and cut them up with countless small actions along the jungle trail.

The Peaceful village

The peaceful village of Juanomatopeia with a Moro unit to the north, moving against the Americans. Larry Reeves (A powerful Moro War leader!) had his command hidden in the village, but the cowardly Yankees never came close to it.

He would have had his hands full however, as all the other Moro units were pretty well smashed up on the last turn. If the game had continued, Larry would have commanded our only two full strength units.

The Northern column of the Yankees was the most powerful and it ground up everything we threw against it. Jim Pitts (A cunning Moro war leader!) was able to skirmish most effectively against the Northern column, early in the game. When the Yankees finally go their boys in line, their fire power was too strong for us. The American Colt machine gun was a cruel and effective weapon.

US infantry fire on the Moros

This is one of my Moro units in white and I learned the hard way that the US firepower is significantly greater than ours! After two turns of trading fire, my unit was destroyed.

Mark Gilbert (Another brave Moro war chief) and I had shocked the Western column into moving north, away from our village. It merged with the Northern column. When we attempted to charge this force, the American fire power was too great for us.

Hardened Moro Warriors peer at the tiny soldiers

Impassive men of the jungle all sit around with arms folded, waiting for the game-master to finish shuffling the cards!

The final victory was in doubt when both sides amicably broke for a late lunch. The Moros were definately winning (we thought) but then hunger intervened. One last turn one last charge!. The last minute charge by the Moros was devastating to us. The Americans knew that this was the last turn, they knew that we were coming. Our bodies piled high in the jungle.

Oh well, we can fight till 2002! We fell back sullenly driving our pigs before us. We resolved that the Yankees would find nothing of value in our village.

The American and Phillipine Constabulary players were commanded by Ed Sansing, who was just too powerful for us today. Perhaps we will attack his camp at first light - with knives!

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