I have decided to close this site, since I just can't keep promising that I'll update and wind up not doing so on account of lacking the time to do it.
Number of times Kazuya has gotten served (...>.<) since July 10 2001: FastCounter by bCentral
CONTACT: No.I am no longer accepting e-mail for this site.
DISCLAIMER: Kazuya Mishima, Tekken, and all that relates to it is (c)Namco ; Reno, Final Fantasy VII, and all that relates to it (including Ehrgeiz) and Lulu/Final Fantasy X is (c) Squaresoft.
Also, DON'T steal from this site! You have to ask me before you use anything by me and/or on this site; and even then, I had to ask permission to use a lot of the things here that I didn't do, so... basically, just don't steal any images, fan works, jokes, anything here--it's just not worth it, okay?
Also, these graphics are the property of KMAS, so you can't use them whatsoever. Sorry. And one more thing. I am NOT
making any sort of profit from this site. It's for fun! Entertainment! To make your pointless lives even more pointless!