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  Why would you care what I think?  (Monday; June 13th, 2005)  

This will be my page where I comment on anything and everything. 

My e-mail has tapered off a bit lately, but at one time I was getting between 35-50 e-mails a day! 
(And they came from all over the world.) 

A lot of people have asked my opinion ... on different and various events. Up until now ... I really have not had that much to say ... nor did I think anything I did say was important enough to make a web page. However - today - (with the acquittal of Michael Jackson); all that has changed. I now felt it was very, very, VERY important ... that I speak out, and do so without delay.  

I got an e-mail ... from someone who is (was?) a passing friend of mine ... and he started off with something like: 
"That dirty so and so, he really .......... "   So I felt it was {now} important enough to make a web page! 



These are just my OPINIONS. DON'T write me about them. IF ... you don't like them ... don't read them! I don't need a sermon from anyone, especially radical, left-wing idiots! 

  A.J. on (U.S.) Presidents  

Politically I am EXTREMELY conservative, or at least I like to think so. 

I am a registered Democrat, however the last Democratic President that I voted for was Jimmy Carter. 
[He practically and almost single-handedly ruined this country. Run away, double-digit inflation, high unemployment, he gave away the Panama Canal, made "the JC nickel," and of course his worst problem ... The Iran Hostage situation. (444 days)] 

After Jimmy Carter, I vowed never to be fooled by the media again. 
("Elect one of our own, don't let the Yankee's keep a southern man out of the White House." That type of nonsense.) 

------->  I also vowed never to vote for a Democratic Candidate for President. (For the rest of my life.)  

I think that Bill Clinton was ... THE WORST AND MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT WE HAVE EVER HAD IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!! He lied to Congress, lied to a Grand Jury, (maybe more than once!); made pay-off's, had sex in the Oval Office, was DEEPLY involved in "White-Water" ... manipulated the Democratic Party, and probably even had people killed. If you or I had done any of the things that Bill Clinton had done, they would have put us in jail ... and thrown away the key! 

I am PROUD to say I voted AGAINST Bill Clinton, and for BOTH Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. I don't think that George Bush stole the presidential election in 2000, the democratic candidate (Al Gore) was a loser who could not carry his own, home state. (In the history of this country, a candidate who has failed to carry his home state ... NEVER wins the Presidential Election!!) 


 --->  I am SICK of the media. They give Bill Clinton glory, and cannot say anything positive about George Bush! 

 --->  I wish MOVIE STARS, SPORT STARS, and other famous JERKS ... would keep their mouths firmly shut. 
         (I have had a gutful of some famous, spineless, rich idiot ... who tells me WHO TO VOTE FOR!!! (For President.) 
          And ... ... ... someone should run treasonous piece of {human?} garbage, Bill Maher ... right out of the country!!! 


Sept, 2011:  B. Obama is the saddest, most under-qualified person to ever hold the office of President. Prediction? He will get the boot in 2012!   

  A.J. on O.J. Simpson  

He did it, he got away with murder. And the only reason he got off is because he was a CELEBRITY!!! 

I also grew up practically idolizing this man ... for his achievements on the football field. 
(Now I realize that he is truly scum of the earth.) 

  A.J. on Lesbians and Homsexuals  

I cannot stand your life-style. I think you are sick, warped and demented. It does not matter if you believe in the Bible, as I do ... or if you believe in (the) evolution (nonsense). Either way, you won't reproduce ... and you will pass away. (Thank God!)  As many preachers have suggested, homosexuals ...  and  their life-style ... is a cancer that is eating away at the very fabric of American life! 

You should NOT be employed ... especially as a teacher or in a public office, profession, or in any job that is paid for by public dollars. (Who wants a raving homosexual {man} teaching your son??? Not me! HERE is what happens when you let these kind of people around children!)  

You have no right to get married, as far as I am concerned, you should go back into the closet. I am NOT for rights for gays ... of any kind. (And I don't buy the argument that you were born that way. A lot of socialistic nonsense ... if you ask me.) 

Read your Bible! In the Old Testament, this type of sickness was dealt with in one way. They took you to the edge of the settlement and stoned you to death. No mercy, no worrying about your supposed rights, etc. Others have written me, saying that the New Testament preaches tolerance. All I can tell you is to read the book of Romans, the great apostle Paul unilaterally condemns ANY kind of lewd or sexually explicit behavior. (Read Romans, Chapter One, verses 22 through 32. I usually read the King James version.) 

<< 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[c] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. >>   Romans: Chapter One, verses 26-32, NKJV  
(I quote the New King James Version, as many people will not be able to comprehend the older version, no one really speaks that way today.)  

You have no right to have sex with a child ... or to practice sodomy.  There is NO constitutional right for this type of behavior!!! (It does not exist.) The Constitution was NEVER intended to be a MORAL document ... only a legal document. (If you want a moral document, read the Bible. Pay attention to the Laws of Moses, especially the Ten Commandments!)  

One person sent me an e-mail, rejoicing in the fact that "they" had gotten my web pages closed on another server. IF this is true, it only reinforces my beliefs that homosexuals are sick, twisted, bitter and angry people. And they are unable to treat people fairly. Apparently, they will attack you mercilessly if you exhibit views that they do not approve of! (The constitution of the the USA - means nothing to them. They practice complete freedom of speech, but try to destroy you if you ask for the same rights! January, 2006.)  

  A.J. on Michael Jackson's acquittal  

A lot of people are up in arms about this, I really am not too terribly concerned about this matter.  

IT IS HERE ... that I think I have a VERY unique opinion!!! (Having been ... on BOTH sides of this matter!)  

I have served on several different juries. I was on a jury that found one man guilty of stabbing another, it was a pretty straight-forward trial, if you ask me. I was on another jury that acquitted a man of burglary. I was also on a jury ... in one of the most famous and important cases that was ever held in Pensacola. (JAMES MICHAEL GOODYEAR, the son of the so-called, "BLACK WIDOW." {Judy Buenoano, click here to read about her.}  I felt that he was scum, but as the other jurors {also} saw, the case against him was weak ... and possibly planted or fabricated in places.)   


I also have been "on the wrong side of the law," in a couple of cases. In one case, a Georgia State Trooper planted pot in my car. (Internal Affairs had a field day with this guy, the police officer in question - eventually committed suicide - the charges were dropped.) I think what happened was  ...  "I talked back to him," and he thought he could "teach me a lesson" ... as he told another trooper. {His own words!} I guess he thought I would roll over for him and take whatever punishment the court system decided to hit me with; he also found out that he was wrong. DEAD WRONG!! 

My wife's ex-husband - and their whole family - lied and had charges filed against me for spanking a child. It took around three years to get this settled ... but here the charges were eventually dropped. (It never even went to trial.)  


And finally, I actually was charged with a crime ... and it actually went to trial. A number of years back, I went to another town. While there, I got into a scuffle outside of a bar. A guy slapped me, hit me, and punched me a few times. I basically lost it, and decided to teach the guy a lesson. I beat the ever-loving stew out of the guy, and basically pounded him into the ground. A few people tried to stop me ... they also got their bumps and bruises. During the fight, I practically broke the guy's head open, {He needed LOTS of stitches! ha-ha}; knocked quite a few of his teeth out, and radically fractured his arm. (It took several surgeries to fix his arm.) 

As a result of all this, I was arrested and thrown in jail. (Multiple charges.) One of my uncles posted my bond and got me out. It took many months before it came to trial. I had a lot of problems too, I kept missing work ... I went through three or four different jobs during this period. My uncle - who is dead now - practically disowned me. (He did a lot of the driving back and forth.) I fired three different public defenders ... they would have gotten me incarcerated! {Eventually, I represented myself.}  

Just before the trial, the Judge took me into his "chambers" and warned me that I was probably going to jail ... for a very long time. My Uncle broke down and cried, he was so distressed. The ass-hole prosecutor even offered me a last-minute "deal," I could plead guilty to a lesser offense, and the charges would be reduced. (I told him to shove it.) 

The trial lasted a couple of days, it was pretty simple. I maintained ... all along ... that I was provoked, and that it was basically self-defense. Several witnesses confirmed that I - initially - backed away from the fight, and that his friends surrounded me in a ring, and pushed me back into the fracas. I probably was the worst "lawyer" that court room ever saw. (I stuttered a great deal, I even broke down and cried at one point.) I also was called to the stand, at one point, I refused to answer questions, maintaining the constitutional right against self-incrimination. (The prosecutor tricked me and backed me into a corner, I felt I had no choice.) The jury practically set a land-speed record for deliberations.  I was found totally and completely not guilty ... on ALL charges!!!  After the trial, all the members of the jury came up to me and shook my hand. They told me that the guy was a jerk, a bully, one guy said he knew his reputation ... and was very glad that I had taught him a lesson! Just about all the members of the jury ... SAID - WITHOUT QUESTION - IT WAS A STUPID AND POINTLESS TRIAL. THEY FELT THAT THE CHARGES SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN FILED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  




  •   Some cases  ...  should NEVER be filed in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
      (Whether or not this is one of those, is for better heads than mine - I leave this matter to the experts.) 

  •   Just because charges are filed ... does NOT mean that there is a meaningful case. 
      (Some people believe ... "where there is smoke, there is fire." But I don't think that this always applies to the court system.) 

  •   Michael Jackson is a creepy guy ... I certainly would NOT allow him within a hundred miles of my children! 
      (The parents of the kids ... should be shot! IF they thought something inappropriate was going on, why not just put a stop to it?) 

  •   I was very GLAD that this was an "all-white" jury!!! 
      --->  This way, some bitter racist cannot say that the verdict was based solely on skin color!!!!!!!!! 

  •   The mother of the one child - a VERY IMPORTANT witness ... obviously had zero credibility!  

  •   Just because Michael Jackson owned some book of somewhat questionable content ... ... ... 
      did NOT automatically make him guilty!  

  •   It has been said that the prosecutor in this case was a zealot.  (Maybe with a vendetta?) 
      He seemed determined to convict Michael Jackson. Since he has failed so miserably, the 
      voters will probably dump him. (I would certainly hope so, go catch a drug dealer, dude!  
      How about finding a REAL criminal ... and put that person behind bars?) I wonder just how  
      much money it will cost the taxpayers of Santa Barbara County (& CA) to pay for this case? 

  •   In the end, I have GREAT FAITH In the jury system! I am sure they did what their conscience  
      dictated to them was the correct course. IF the prosecutors had provided an airtight case, this 
      would have been ... "open and shut." Since it was not, I can only assume that their case had a 
      lot of holes in it. Many of their key witnesses had problems with believability and credibility. 

Praise the Lord  ...  I am glad - and PROUD - to live in the United States of America!! 


Sadly, Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, drug use obviously played a big part in his death ... I feel sorry for him now. I don't think he had a happy life. 

  A.J. on "Anti-War" demonstrations in 2005  

Cindy Sheehan ... go home, _____! You are not the only mother who lost a child in Afghanistan or Iraq. You DON'T speak for me ... or even the majority of Americans. I hope your husband leaves you and your other children disown you. (Her husband did eventually leave her.) If you think Bush is such a bad guy, go live in Iraq. (Or Afghanistan.) The real question is why the news media is so in love with this person. I think it is all part of what is wrong with the media. Its SO left-wing, virtually a communist institution!! (August 24th, 2005.)  


Most celebrities  ...  just plain ... well, I won't say it. {Many are ONLY interested in drawing attention to themselves!!!}  

However, my wife likes  Harry Connick, Jr.  I do too, mainly because he is unpretentious and {also} from the south. He is a good singer/performer. (He also played a small part in one of my favorite movies.)  [Search Google for this artist.]  

Perhaps the coolest thing I saw was Mr. H. Connick rescue an old fellow on the news. He gave him the shirt off his back, and took him out on his boat. At one point, he appeared to have tears in his eyes. All this occurred while HC was in New Orleans, investigating the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. ("My Pop's house ... seems to be OK.")  RIGHT ON!  (Sept. 08, 2005.) 

  The 2006 Oscars  

Pretty routine stuff. 

  •   I congratulate all the winners, some actors did a very fine job. (Which is why they won. Natch!)  

  •   The winning song was a disgrace! (It's hard out here for a pimp? WHO CARES!!!)  

However ... the HUGE number of films ... with radical homosexual content, ("Brokeback Mountain"); just proves what I have been saying for years. (That Hollywood has a definite agenda, and is ACTIVELY promoting the warped "gay" lifestyle.) I think that the average American is convinced that the Oscars are only for a small segment of population, the normal working person feels little empathy for many of these films. (Especially when they portray the average guy - or gal! - as a working class stiff ... and a loser.)  


  The 2007 Oscars  

Because of what I noted last year, I made of point of NOT even bothering to watch this year.  

  A.J. on Abortion  

  •   Its murder. Pure, plain and simple. (No way to misinterpret this, its a straight-up, morality issue.)

  •   In God's Word, all life is sacred. Anyone who condones abortion cannot be a true Christian. 

  •   It does not matter what diseases might be cured. Stem cell research is wrong. 

  •   Once life comes into a fetus, it has all the rights of an adult ... despite what some warped old judge ... 
      or any twisted, radical feminist might think. When the Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade, it made 
      a horrible mistake.  ---> It is my hope that one day that this misdeed can be corrected.  

  •   Most feminists like to cite cases of rape or incest as the reason to have legalized abortion. However,  
      this accounts for less than .001% of all abortions. Most abortions are simple matters of convenience. 

  •   All the women that I have ever heard of (or known of) ... who had an abortion ... deeply regret it!   

  •   Often an abortion will so badly scar a women's uterus that it renders her unable to reproduce. 

  A.J. on World Events  

<<Federal authorities are warning that the killing of American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in a CIA-led strike on his hideout in Yemen early Friday may trigger revenge attacks inside the United States and against U.S. citizens traveling overseas.>>  [more]  

We got Bin Laden, and now this puke. Maybe I should throw a party or something ... stack 'em like cordwood, I say. 

   A.J.  ... left speechless (June, 2015)   

By now, you have to heard of the young man (D. Roof) that walked into a Black church in Charleston, South Carolina and opened fire on innocent people, killing nine. Why?  

Some people have accused me of being slightly racist. I don't think this is a fair assessment. In today's liberal (PC) society, if you say you like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate ice cream, then you are a racist. I do admit being a product of the old south, when I was a little boy, Pensacola still had segregated bathrooms. Many people that I deeply loved and respected - like my own paternal Grandmother - said a lot of dumb things when it came to other races, especially black people. All I can say is that I have worked very hard to try and be fair to everyone, as much as humanly possible. 

One has to hope that Dylann Roof was dropped on his head as a baby. (Seriously!) Or that he has a tumor growing in his dark, fetid brain. Otherwise, how do you explain his illogical and irrational behavior? Taking a look at the BOY, one has to see there is a lot lacking there. Physically not impressive. not real smart, (a ninth-grade drop-out); who seems to have swallowed the  garbage of real racists (like the Ku Klux Klan) ... hook, line and sinker. One has to hope that he is found guilty and given the death sentence ... as quickly as possible. (And let him goose-step his way into the gas chamber!) Or barring that, throw him into the general population at any prison - a harsh sentence to be sure, but more of a chance than he gave those folks at the church where he committed this senseless atrocity.  

A small part of me fears for Roof's immortal soul ... if he still has one. If he never wakes up to the real horror and extreme evil of his acts, than he is in for a huge surprise after he dies. I know there is a God and that the Good LORD will judge all men. (Skin color won't matter then! All that will matter is how you have lived your life and whether or not you have accepted Jesus as the only true Son of God ... and that he is the only portal into heaven.) And pray for all those families in South Carolina, good folks who did nothing to deserve such evil and now have all been adversely affected by this wanton act of malevolent terror.  

Stay tuned ... I am sure that I will "sound off" on future issues.  

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  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 2015.  All rights reserved.  

  This page was first created on Monday; June 13th, 2005.  It was last edited on: 06/20/2015 .

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